Friday 10 February 2012

Homeschool Mothers Journal {13} - A Reminder for You ?

The Home school Mother’s Journal began as a single post on a Friday morning over at The Homeschool Chick, and turned into a link-up for homeschool mothers across the blog-O-sphere to share a piece of their journey with one another each week. The link party is open from Friday to Monday so join me in The Homeschool Journal and lets encourage one another on our homeschool journey.

In my life this week…
In our homeschool this week…
  • We went to Science Works and had an absolute ball.  It was so much fun. We went and had a good play around Perception Deception and are planning on going to see Explore-a-saurus next month. 
  • If you join the Facebook Little Kids Day In you can download a 2 for 1 voucher which entitles you to half price entry to Science Works & Explore-a-saurus on Monday 5th March 2011. Offer: 2 Adult Explore-a-saurus exhibition AND Scienceworks entry tickets for the price of 1 Adult entry to the Explore-a-saurus exhibition AND Scienceworks entry only. Save $18. 
  • We participated in a Not Back to School Blog Hop Aussie Style. This weeks topic was introducing our Children.  It was fun and I am looking forward to next weeks blog hop.I have enjoyed meeting fellow Australian Homeschool Moms.  If you are Australian, blog and Homeschool join in the fun.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
  • Candid Conversation with God by Erica over at Confessions of a Homeschooler.  If you are weary and in need of some encouragement as a homeschool mom this one is one you need to keep in your favourites bar. Erica writes about her doubts and fears and what the Lord answered her through His Word. 
  • Tips for a smoother homeschool day over at Weird, Unsocialised Homeschoolers.
I am inspired by…

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • This week I am pleased to say was a quieter week for which I am pleased.
  • Monday we joined a few friends and went to Science Works for the day.
  • Tuesday we went to Pykes Creek Reservoir
  • Wednesday we visited some friends for a play date
  • Thursday some cousins came over for a play date
  • Friday swimming lessons at Paul Sadler Swimland
  • Saturday we are going to a strawberry farm to pick strawberries and then we are going to celebrate the twins birthdays !
  • Counting down the months, weeks and days

My favorite thing this week was…
  • Watching Sir N learning how to dive into the pool.
  • Watching Soul Surfer.  Excellent movie.  Great family viewing.  Especially watch the extra parts.

Here are some interesting links to and about Soul Surfer: Her personal site: Bethany Hamilton, Health and Fitness, Her Blog, Soul Surfer, Picture Gallery, About her foundation: Friends of Bethany.

What’s working/not working for us…
  • having our shelves organised.  It's so much easier to find what we are looking for now :)
Questions/thoughts I have…
  • I have been reading through Exodus and Numbers in the bible.  I read in Numbers 10:1-10 how the Lord told them to make and use silver trumpets  along with instructions on when to blow them.  They were blown to call meetings, announce festivals, the start of a new month etc. At the end He says: They will serve as a reminder for you before your God: I am the LORD your God. Numbers 10:10 
  • This has me thinking what can I do that will help me and my family remember the Lord my God daily, monthly and annually ? What do you do in your home that serves as a reminder of the Lord your God in a special way?
Things I’m working on…
I’m reading…
  • Unveiled the story of Tamar (Series: Lineage of Grace). The story of Tamar is but a few lines in Exodus but oh such a powerful story when you think about it.
  • Exodus in the bible along with my Mom.  I have learned so many many interesting things as I have been researching online the biblical events, customs and festivals of the Jewish people. This is our heritage that we have been grafted in to.   
  • Moses The Deliverer by Ellen Gunderson Traylor.
I’m cooking…
  • Turkey legs for dinner.
  • Home made apple crumble with apples Paul picked for me.  Feeling very domesticated!
I’m grateful for…
  •  Sara over at Saving for Someday who took the time to explain about blog giveaways and the law.  I had been feeling rather put out by all these excellent blogs who have these rules posted at the bottom about their giveaways and they are only open to US residents. I can understand about postage but when a giveaway is an eBook why can't it be open worldwide ?? Thanks to Sara I have a better understanding.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Pykes Creek Reservoir Day Trip


This post is linking to:
Home Grown Learners, Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers and The Homeschool Chick pop on over to read what other homeschool Moms are doing.

Thursday 9 February 2012

NBTS Blog Hop - Introducing My Children

Our Worldwide Classroom Kylie from Our Worldwide Class Room dropped me a note and invited me to join in her Not Back to School Blog Hop

Welcome to our little space in blog land.  I am Chareen, mom to three roses and have been home educating since 1998. This is my first year home educating my youngest.  Our family has been home educating for 14 years.  My eldest attended school for one week and decided it was not a good idea when he was 16. As a family we are eagerly anticipating a trip to South Africa in April it has been 10 years since we have been back.

Week 1:  Meet my children

This is my first born Mr T who is 18.  He was born in Hoedspruit South Africa.

He is 6'4" tall and likes to let me know I am short! (...I am 6')

He is great at computer IT and can make a pc do things that makes my head spin.  He finished school with me a year ago and is currently exploring the greater world to find the right path for himself.

This is my second rose Miss J.  Miss J is South African born and is 16 years old. Miss J has not been to school.

Miss J did 11 years of homeschooling with me and last year attended Carrick Institute where she graduated with a Cert III in Children's Services.

Last year she also started her first job and became an adept Barista and attained her Cert III in Retail.

Today she will be starting her first permanent part time position up at the local Plaza.

This is Sir N whose current passion is fishing with Dad. Sir N is the natural kiwi in the family.  He was born in Christchurch New Zealand and is six years old.

Sir N started official homeschool last year with me and features in this blog quite often.

He likes green and gold and his favourite book this year has been The Box Car Children.

He likes learning about drawing, making snow globes, and building / making things with Dad.

He would like to be a forklift driver (this is his current favourite toy)

His favourite place to go to is Werribee Open Range Zoo and Granny's house.

Looking forward to next weeks topic:

Week 2: Your Curriculum. Your plans for the year, resources you will use etc.

It's not too late to join in the linky is open till 13 Febraury. So please join in the fun :) Be sure to hop on over and meet some fellow homeschoolers blogging around Australia.


Wednesday 8 February 2012

Pinning it DOWN {3} - Menu Planner

Welcome to the Fifth Pinning it Down Tuesday! Do you find yourself pinning projects to Pinterest, but rarely getting around to doing them? Do you need a bit of encouragement to make some of those projects come to life? Join Pam and Sarah every Tuesday for the Pinning it Down link-up, where we're making a Pinterest project happen in our homes every week. This week is hosted over at Sarahs

In week 3 Ann from Building my Catholic Home and in  week 4 Laurie from Keeping it Simple posted their versions of the Menu board from Pinterest.

I have not been a menu planner but loved the idea and wanted to give it a go.  So this week on Pinning it DOWN I made something for me :)

The orginal idea was shared by Little Birdie Secrets over at Make and Takes: Wipe Off Weekly Menu Planner.

I purchased a certificate frame from The Reject Shop
Used Excel to create a weekly dinner planning sheet.
Chose a sheet of pretty paper from my Scrap booking stack
Cut it to fit.
Printed my menu sheet on it.
Done !


Menu plan gifts

Photo Collages done with the FREE software Photoscape . Tutorial over at Great Fun 4 Kids.

Are you ready to play along? Here's how our link-up works:
1. Choose a project from one of your Pinterest pinboards and make it happen. Blog a little about it. Remember, it doesn't have to be elaborate- we just want to see what you've been up to!

2. Make sure you link back here somewhere in your post so others can find us and play along. Feel free to grab our Pinning it Down graphic if you'd like to add it to your post. Also, don't forget proper pinning etiquette and try to include a link back the original idea whenever possible. We want to be sure that cool idea credit is given to the proper person.

3. Link up over at Sarah's . Make sure you're sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. You can add your link all the way through Friday, so if you haven't gotten a chance to work on any of your pins yet this week, you're not too late.