Thursday 1 March 2012

NBTS Week 4 - {A Day in our life}

Our Worldwide Classroom Welcome to Week 4 of the Aussie NBTS Blog Hop.  This week we are sharing a Day in our Lives.

In week one you met my three children Mr T, Miss J and Sir N who have all been homeschooled.
In week two I shared the curriculum choices I have made for the year ahead with Sir N.  This inspired me to share a Time Line of my homeschool journey with you.
Week three saw us looking at our learning spaces.

Well the last week had no typical days in our lives because in between it all I got sick and spent the days sleeping and calling in Paul to step in so I thought I would give you an approximation of a typical day in our lives.

An Average Day in Our lives goes something like this:

So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90: 12

5 AM I get up
Do my Cover to Cover bible study.
Blog at One Year Through The Word.
6 AM Exercise Walk
or do a programme using a DVD
or do a session on Wii Active.
7 AM Shower
7:30 AM Cup of tea with Paul
7:40 AM IF it's a work day I drive with Miss J and Paul
to drop Paul at work.
8 AM Take Miss J who is on her L plates
and let her drive herself to work
She is currently working full time since her graduation.
8:30 AM Home
Clean the kitchen
Touch base with my Mom
Sir N to do his morning Five Fingers Chart.
9 AM School written work
Go for the Code
Abeka Arithmetic 1
Developing the Early Learner.
A Reason for Handwriting 1
11 AM Play Time
House Work
12 PM Lunch
1 PM School Read Alouds

Core A
Science A
2 PM Play Time
3 PM Room Time
Sir N will either listen to an audio book
or Classical Kids CD
or Hide em in Your Heart
4 PM Chores
4:30 PM Fetch Paul from work (Pick Him up at 5)
5:30 PM Fetch Miss J from work
6:00 PM Dinner Time
6:30 PM Bath Time Sir N
Evening Sir N Five Fingers Chart.
7:30 PM Bed Time Sir N
Read bible
Sing Along time with Paul
8:00 PM DVD / blogging time for me
10 - 12 pm Bed Time

This list is what I aspire to but by no means is it always done but it's a good outline for us to work to.

I have a rough schedule or else I waste the time I have each day and do not accomplish much.

So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90: 12
We are very flexible and will stop what we are doing if visitors arrive.  Some mornings and afternoons contain extra Murial activities and we adjust our schedule for that.  For example we have swimming lessons on a Friday morning.  We have a weekly play date etc.
Paul works on a rotation roster and will often be home during a weekday meaning we can go for day trips such as: { Sustainability Expo, Fishing, Ballet, Hanging Rock, Australia Post}

Don't forget to pop on over to  Our World Wide Classroom and read about other Australian Homeschoolers and what they do each day.


Wednesday 29 February 2012

Pinning it DOWN - Paper Snowflakes

Welcome to the third Pinning it Down Tuesday! Do you find yourself pinning projects to Pinterest, but rarely getting around to doing them? Do you need a bit of encouragement to make some of those projects come to life? Join Pam and Sarah every Tuesday for the Pinning it Down link-up, where we're making a Pinterest project happen in our homes every week. This week is hosted over at Pams

This week I decided to tackle something from my Kids Craft Ideas Board. We made paper snowflakes. The original idea came from Michele Made Me: Reader Question: How do you cut your snowflakes ?  Her step by step tutorial is excellent.
Michele has some excellent ideas of what you can do with your snowflakes.

The Process

Completed Paper Snowflakes

Photo Collages done with the FREE software Photoscape . Tutorial over at Great Fun 4 Kids.
Are you ready to play along? Here's how the link-up works:
  1. Choose a project from one of your Pinterest pinboards and make it happen. Blog a little about it. Remember, it doesn't have to be elaborate- we just want to see what you've been up to! 
  2. Make sure you link back to Pams somewhere in your post so others can find us and play along. Feel free to grab our Pinning it Down graphic if you'd like to add it to your post. Also, don't forget proper pinning etiquette and try to include a link back the original idea whenever possible. We want to be sure that cool idea credit is given to the proper person. 
  3. Link up over at Pam's . Make sure you're sending us to your actual post, and not to your general blog address. You can add your link all the way through Friday, so if you haven't gotten a chance to work on any of your pins yet this week, you're not too late

Tuesday 28 February 2012

NBTS Week 3 - {Learning Spaces}

Our Worldwide Classroom Welcome to Week 3 of the Aussie NBTS Blog Hop.  This week we are sharing our Learning Spaces for 2012!

In week one you met my three children Mr T, Miss J and Sir N who have all been homeschooled.
In week two I shared the curriculum choices I have made for the year ahead with Sir N.  This inspired me to share a Time Line of my homeschool journey with you.

I have a confession to make (blushing) I had been avoiding this post.  I had popped on over to Our World Wide Classroom and had a look at some of the dedicated learning spaces that  Our Aussie Homeschool, Pumpkin Patch, Our little Homeschool and Educating April had shared and got cold feet showing our space as we do not have dedicated space for homeschooling. Over the weekend I popped back over and had a look at Doves Rest, Home School Dreaming, Defying Gravity, Herding Hobbits!, Acres of Learning, Mansted Family Project and Seven Little Australians and was inspired to tidy up and invite you on in to see where we learn.

Welcome to our Learning Spaces
Click on any of the pictures to enlarge them for a better view.
Sir N's drawing of where he learns.
This picture means a lot to me.  Sir N did not know about this blog hop. He asked me for a piece of paper yesterday to draw.  Quietly sat down and drew me a picture.  He brought it to me and said "This is where I learn ! "

This is a panorama of our living area where 80 % of our learning takes place. The balance is outside and in the community {e.g. Sustainability Expo, Fishing, Ballet, Hanging Rock, Australia Post}

Our lounge is currently occupied with Sir N's Farm !

This is our read aloud space.  If it's cold we hop into bed with a warm doona and read there.  In summer we read here and if the day is not too hot we will hop onto the trampoline or a picnic blanket in the garden. To the left of the chair I have a bookshelf with most of the years Core books and some extra research books.
To the right of the read aloud chair I keep two boxes.  The blue one contains the current read alouds.  The basket contains our library books.

This is our dining room where Sir N sits and does his writing work. The draws to the right of the freezer contain all his pens, pencils and books we are working through. On top of these draws is a terrarium where what ever we have caught in the garden temporarily lives for us to study. We also have some rather unique pets in our home. Being married to a Zoo Keeper means that we get to look at and touch many interesting types of wildlife and get to go to the zoo as often as we like.  Last year we enjoyed Night Zoo.

This is our kitchen where we cook together.  A few months ago I moved the microscope to the kitchen bench. It used to live next to my computer but never got used because we forgot we had it.  It now gets used quite regularly. An example of one of the things we looked at last year is a flea we found on our cat.

I have this wonderful corner display cabinet we keep our treasures and memories and talk about.  It is also a perfect spot for our world globe.

This is our rumpus room which contains five of my seven book shelves.  I am truly blessed. One word of warning to homeschool Mums you do NOT need or have to own this many books to effectively homeschool.  I have this many books because I LOVE books and my husband graciously indulges my delight.
The three identical book shelves on the right are special to me.  My Dad hand made these when we immigrated to Australia.  I was in need of book shelves as the last house we rented had built in book shelves.  I was frustrated over the expense and design of book shelves.  We purchased the wood and my Dad spent hours making these for me. The tallest one contains mainly novels. 

Thank you to all of you who shared your spaces and inspired me to share mine.
