Tuesday 29 March 2016

Tip ONE ... Become Equipped Know What You Think

If you are a new homeschooling parent, welcome to one of the most amazing journeys you will ever embark on.  If you're an experienced homeschooling parent be encouraged.  Homeschooling is one of the most incredible journey's you will undertake with your children.  It's a marathon of a journey and not a sprint so slow down, enjoy the journey it will be over far quicker than you can imagine.  Pace yourself or you will run out of energy.  This week I am joining fifty bloggers from the Schoolhouse Review Crew and together we are aiming to bring you 5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents.

Tip ONE - Become Equipped Know What You Think & Why

One of the things to be aware of is the homeschooling is no longer a new movement. We are into the third and fourth generation of homeschoolers. There are many many different approaches and more types of curriculum than you will ever work through in a hundred years.   Each and every curriculum company has put their heart and soul into developing their product and the internet has become a vehicle of creating even more accessible things to do with your children.  It can be incredibly overwhelming when you first start looking.

As a new or veteran homeschooler I encourage you to read up on the different philosophies of homeschooling.  By this I mean know a little bit about the different methods and approaches which are used today. You will hear terms such as the Charlotte Mason Method, Delight Directed Education, and so forth.

It's important that you know which one you would like to use and more importantly why you are choosing this option for your family.  Remember this is NOT set in stone and will change as your family grows and changes and as your experience as a home educator expands.  It is however important to have a starting point and to move forward from there.

IF you don't know what you think OR why you think what you do then every homeschool consultant will try to sell you their product and soon you will have a home full of different curriculum and you will be overwhelmed!  OR you will have a budget blow out or you will be so confused and not buy anything and give up the journey before you begin.

Scripture exhorts us in  Ephesians 4:14 thus: Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.

Knowledge is Power. That power is either in your hand or in someone elses. If you don't know what you think or what your goals are then there will be someone out there who is only too happy to lead you a merry dance and convince you to spend your money with them.

Knowing why you are doing something 
is the first step in being empowered 
to follow through with your choices.

Even if you are a seasoned homeschooler and you don't have your thoughts and focus set then every single time you see something new or meet a new homeschooler and hear what they are doing you will feel as though you are somehow failing your children or they are missing out which in turn will drive you to choose to add more to an already busy homeschool.  The danger of this is that soon you will be doing a great many things with mediocrity and become overwhelmed and exhausted.

STEP one form the cornerstone of your homeschool by Knowing What You Think & Why.

Equip Yourself Well for the journey ahead BEFORE you begin.I have shared some thoughts on a variety of topics which are foundational to the home education journey and would encourage you to look at the following posts:
I'm looking forward to sharing more tips with you later this week.  5 Days of Tips for Homeschool ParentsThis post is part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew 5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents Blog Hop.  Blog posts from these bloggers will be going live between 8 am EST and Midday.

I invite you to grab a cup of tea and head on over to these bloggers to see their word of encouragement to you today.
If you're on Pinterest I encourage you to follow the board 5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents Content for some wonderful content for your Homeschool Boards.

Follow Every Bed of Roses's board 5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents. on Pinterest.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Seeking Beauty Through the Arts (Week 4 - Virtual Curriculum Fair)

Welcome to the fourth and final week of the 2016 Virtual Curriculum Fair. This week we are looking at The Arts and Everything that brings beauty to your world and adds something good to your homeschool. This year I am co-hosting with  Kristen over at Sunrise to Sunset and Laura over at Day by Day in our World. Over the last couple of years I have embarked on a journey to learn more about the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling. 

"We all have need to be trained to see, and to have our eyes opened before we can take in the joy that is meant for us in this beautiful life." ~ Charlotte Mason

This statement by Charlotte really impacted me earlier this year as I was reading Volume One of the Homeschooling series.  The ability to see and take note of beauty in the every day is not something that is natural and inherent it is something we need to be trained to do. The world around us is structured  to focus on the negative and it takes some work and a little bit of practice to look for and see the good. 

One of the catch phrases in the Charlotte Mason circles concerns Twaddle.  I love that term. It so aptly describes that we need to be seeking quality literature.  One of my passions is directly linked to this.  I feel that often we are hung up on content that we forget to check for beauty when assessing a book.  What's the point of an ugly twaddle free book ?  Children are visually impacted. The images they are given set the tone for how they will look at the world around them. Children are children for such a short period of time before they are confronted with the sin in this world that it is a shame to not surround them with beautiful twaddle free books!

Beauty and the arts are intertwined.  They cover anything that impact us through our senses.  You don't need any fancy curriculum but you do need to be intentional to learn to use your senses in order to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. 

Books we love
(Libraries are an excellent resource to teach for FREE)

Read more of my thoughts on the arts here:

For more information on the Arts you can read the posts from past fairs here:

 We should always have something worthwhile to think about, that we may not let our minds dwell upon unworthy matters.
Charlotte Mason
(p. 21) from Ourselves

What others have to say on Exploring Our World

If you missed the last three posts from the 2016 Virtual Curriculum Fair they can be found here:

Week ONE - Language Arts
Week TWO - Thoughts on Math and Science
Week THREE - Exploring our World through Social Studies


 It's YOUR Turn
What are your thoughts on Seeking Beauty Through the Arts?  If you have a blog post on any of the subjects at hand add them below and if not then please leave me a comment and lets chat.

Saturday 19 March 2016

March 19 {HSMJ}

 In my life this week…
It's been a much needed week of rest.  Today I will share you a few photo's of our week and over the next few weeks I will share in depth about our explorations.

Enjoying the Murry River

Every day the sky was painted

Nathaniel enjoyed swimming each day.

Capri Waters Country Club.

Paul fishing in the Murry River

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • Mulwala and Yarrawonga

My favourite thing this week was…

 On the WWW I’m reading…
 I’m cooking…


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Join Lisa and I each week and share your week in review.  We look forward to reading about your

Week in Review
Field Trips
School Work&nbsp
Homeschool projects
And anything homeschool related.

Here is a button for your post.
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