Wednesday 19 October 2016

The Tummy Team - Core Foundations {Review}

Today I would like to share a more personal journey with you. It's something that affects more than 80% of our population and for most of us we chalk it all up to age and "That's just life". To begin with I was under the impression that this struggle was unique to woman but I now understand this issue is something that many people struggle with and are unaware that there is a solution to their pain and that solution is now available to people all over the world thanks to the work of Kelly Dean and The Tummy Team in the form of their online Core Foundations Program.

Core Foundations is an eight week Core Rehab Specialist program designed to be done at home.  It is a program which is presented to you by a qualified Core Rehab Specialist program who specializes in neuromuscular rehabilitation and home health .

I have taken the program to my personal Doctor who confirmed to me that all the information is 100% accurate and is now referring her clients to The Tummy Team.  I was pleasantly surprised at my own personal progress and in an incredibly short space of time. My waist measurement decreased by two inches within the first month and my active sitting time lengthened from around 5 seconds to over a minute.

I learned that the repair surgeries I have had were actually not necessary.  My Doctor confirmed to me that the medical profession in general are unaware that Diastasis Recti, general back ache and hernia's are symptoms of the deeper issue of a weak functional core.  I was surprised to learn what a weak core and diastasis looks like and it's something I've had since high school.

I have been empowered with knowledge, I am very excited about Core Foundations and the enormous difference it is making in my own personal life and my husbands.  My functional core strength was very low and it took me a whole month to recover from disconnection before I could progress. I have chosen to begin at the beginning and do the complete program over and document my journey and share it with you here on the blog on Mondays along with photographs and tips and insights I learn from my journey to being #Strong4Life.

How I found The Tummy Team
I was surfing Instagram one day when I came across a rather intriguing graphic of  a before core rehab pregnancy and after core rehab pregnancy.    I went to the account  to find out more.  There were the most amazing before and after photographs of what Core Foundations could accomplish.  I was rather surprised at the info graphics explaining that PlankingCrunches and Cross-Over Crunches are really bad exercises for your core and your tummy and actually do not accomplish what we think they should. I was drawn to find out more about their program because Paul had been regularly exercising including doing planking exercises to strengthen his core but was still having pain issues and regular flare ups with his back.

Symptoms of Functional Core Weakness

  • Low back pain - "Back pain is one of the most common symptoms of a weakened core. It is the result of other muscles trying to compensate when your transverse abdominis muscle lacks the strength to hold you up."
  • Pelvic floor weakness
  • Stress incontinence
  • Diastasis Recti - a separation of the abdominal muscles
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Upper and/or Mid back pain
  • Abdominal hernia's "Abdominal hernias typically appear in areas of weak or damaged connective tissue which results in portions of the organs bulging out of the abdominal wall. When this weakened area of connective tissue tears, portions of the intestinal track are at risk of strangulation requiring urgent medical attention and often surgical repair."
  • Sciatica
  • Prolapse
  • Prostrate issues
  • Tired back at the end of the day
  • 'Preggy Belly' or Belly Bulge
  • Incontinence
  • Digestive issues - "Chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, recurring hemorrhoids, painful bloating and acid reflux are all common symptoms of a weakened core. Several vital organs, including the intestines, rely on a strong internal core for support. Without that support, the digestive system fails to work efficiently."
  • Pelvis instability
  • Menstrual issues
  • Pain tolerance
How Online Core Foundations Works
After choosing and purchasing the right Online Core Training Program for you, you will receive a invoice/payment receipt via email. This will be followed by a welcome letter explaining to you how to access your program and an email address where you can reach the team.

You do not receive access to the full program in week one.  On the first day of each new week the new week's program will become unlocked.  You will still have access to the previous weeks video's so you can watch them as often as you like.  The reason is to encourage structure and accountability.  Each week builds on the preceding week.  Knowing I had limited access meant that I had to set aside regular time to watch the instructional video's it kept me motivated to come back.

  • When you log in you will be taken to your online program.  Navigation is super easy and you will be able to see at a glance each separate week on the left.  On the right you will either see: Available Now or Not Available. 
  • In week one you are only given access to Core Foundations and Week 1.  
  • After that each subsequent lesson is released weekly.  When a new week becomes available the team will email you a short note as soon as you have access to the next class it will also have a note at the bottom detailing how many weeks access you have left.
  • Each lesson is equivalent to a one on one consultation with Kelly.  

After selecting the week you are working on you will open a new page. At the top there is a Focus of the Week section. This is a concise summary of what you will be working on.

Below this text box you will see the Week number and the Video Instruction box along with a note on how many video's there are to watch. To the right of the video is the title of the video along with a note.
Kelly is a very articulate instructor. She takes time to explain your anatomy, the process and more importantly the why behind every step of your core rehabilitation instructions. There is currently a blind lady doing the course and Kelly's instructions are so clear that this lady is successfully completing her journey to wellness.

Kelly's focus is on empowering you with knowledge to help equip you with the tools you need to become strong for life.  She is a Core Rehab Specialist who specialises in neuromuscular rehabilitation and home health. Kelly is passionate about to fully understanding the neuromuscular, postural, and alignment issues that contribute to core weakness and abdominal separation. Her combination of multiple approaches specifically treats these conditions for long-lasting changes.

The thing I appreciate about learning from Kelly is that she is speaking from personal experience.  She was facing major hernia repair surgery with a large Diastasis Recti and other health issues.  As I watched her personal testimony I could identify with many aspects of her personal journey to being strong for life and reclaiming health. Kelly recognizes that each of us have our own story and it is these very things that influence how our bodies are going to heal.

Active Sitting (Source)

The best part of the program is the simplicity. Above is a sample of the first exercise you learn to do:

Below the video section is a helpful box containing your downloadable handouts and a section of what to expect as you follow your core rehabilitation program for the week.  I have been very surprised at the accuracy of the list of what to expect.  I love the handouts because I have written instructions I can refer to anytime I need to refresh myself on what I have learned and I can go back and re-do the week anytime I want.  The charts are helpful for keeping myself accountable.

What does each week cover?
  • Week 1
    • Initial Measurements
    • Understanding Your Transverse
    • Rehabilitation of your Core
    • Functional Integration of the Core
    • Why We Splint
  • Week 2
    • Potty Posture
    • The Transverse, the Lumbar Multifidis & Lower Back Pain
    • Abdominal Massage
    • Preparing Your Environment
  • Week 3
    • Progression of Transverse Exercises
    • More Functional Integration
    • Neutral Pelvis Training
    • Modifications
  • Week 4
    • The Transverse and Pelvic Floor for Women
    • The Transverse and the Prostate for Men
    • Pelvic Floor Strengthening
    • Initial Fitness Choices
    • Neutral Pelvis Training
  • Week 5
    • Neutral Rib Cage & Upper Back Activation
    • Weaning from Your Splint
  • Week 6
    • Core Integration with Functional Activities
    • Safe Core Stretches
  • Week 7
    • Rehabilitation versus Lifestyle versus Fitness
    • Transition to
    • Core Integration into Fitness -
    • Love Handles Lost -
    • The PMS Routine
  • Week 8
    • Core Strong Lifestyle
    • Final Diastasis Check and Personal Plan
    • Core Strong Workout
    • Full-Body Tummy Team Workout
    • Thank You from Kelly

Some Nuggets to Protect your Core
What do you get with the program
  • Eight weeks of personal Core Rehab Specialist  instruction. This are presented by a Core Rehab Specialist  in pre-recorded video sessions you can access in the comfort of your own home. 
  • A set of instructional online video's added each week.
  • Each week there are pdf sheets containing a summary of  the weeks lesson.  Where appropriate a exercise tracking sheet and online support handout.  These are the same handouts are a written summary of the key elements of your program for the week.
  • Access to a private client forum on Facebook. On this forum you can ask any question and one of the Tummy Team Core Rehab Specialists will answer you.  Most questions are answered within a couple of hours. 
  • Tools to help you become strong at life 
  • Ten weeks of online access which begins immediately after purchase
Please note there are two purchase options for each program
  1. BUY NOW, START NOW - means your ten week access starts immediately upon payment of your program.
  2. BUY NOW, START LATER - means you get a voucher that you use when you are ready to start your program.  
Learn More
Connect on Social Media
I would like to thank Kelly Dean and the Tummy Team for sponsoring me with Core Foundations.  It is revolutionizing my life and I look forward to sharing my journey and progress here on the Blog. Next week I will be sharing my experience with Gillian Sukachevin, MPT and our Skype Session.


Sunday 16 October 2016

Dying For Relief - A message on Euthanasia

In light of the current push for Euthanasia I would like to share a story with you. My hope is that by sharing this, it would cause you to question the merits of Euthanasia.

In the early 90's as a headstrong twenty year old (who of course knew everything), I can remember a heated discussion I had with my mother on Euthanasia. Although not a foreign or unusual topic for some, what you might find interesting is that my mother was paralysed from the neck down and confined to her bed.

So who was for and who was against Euthanasia?

I'll get to that . . . but first I want to give you some background . . .

My mum was no stranger to hardships but she rarely spoke of them. In her teens she lost her sister to a traumatic death and later gave birth to a little boy who died during childbirth.

By the time she was twenty-six she had three daughters I was the youngest), and at the age of thirty-three she was diagnosed with M.S. Her condition deteriorated fairly rapidly. By 1985 she was confined to a wheelchair and by 1990 at the age of forty-three she was paralyzed from the neck down.

By the time my mum was forty she had lost most of her mobility, her marriage and her three daughters.

So at the age of forty, living in a flat on her own, suffering with the Australian heat and not able to access any home help she made the gut wrenching decision to leave us girls and move back to her homeland of New Zealand.

In Christchurch the M.S. Society kindly organised a flat for her, and she was able to get home help, four times a day. After five years of doing a lot of staring at walls, maths problems in her head and speed reading books when she had a carer there to turn the pages for her, she finally gained access to life changing technology.

From the confines of her bed she could now, using voice commands and a mouth control, remotely open her back door, turn on the lights, T.V., computer etc. and use an electronic page turner. She also received an electric wheelchair that she could navigate herself in using a chin control.

Lesley E Tyzack graduation 2004
**Photo Courtesy of Linton Photography
With this technology and also thanks to the support of a lot of wonderful people she was able to study at Canterbury University and spent 8 years studying to achieve a B.A. in Psychology, which she did.

Back to the topic of Euthanasia . . .

It was very simple in my mind as a twenty year old. Someone is dying or severely disabled then why shouldn't they have the choice to end their own life? The system wouldn't be abused because three doctors would have to sign off on it (the suggestion at that time)plus a psychological assessment of the person requesting Euthanasia.

Simple right?

My mum spoke of a time, a few years earlier, when she was in such severe pain she wanted to die and a doctor came to her home to give her some strong pain relief.

In my mum's own words:

“I would have been glad to die at the time, but it was not death I wanted, but relief. The desire to live returned in the same instant the pain went” - Lesley E. Tyzack

That doctor, on his next visit apologised to my mum that he hadn't been able to do more for her at the time.

In this statement he was referring to a comment she had made in the throws of pain at the last visit saying “I want to die”. She was horrified thinking “What if he had listened to me?”

My mum was also very concerned about the elderly. She thought it would be very easy for many elderly people who were terminally ill or even just incapacitated in some way, to feel guilty, feeling they were a burden on their families.

In these cases, she felt, if Euthanasia was legal they could easily decide to take this option so as not to burden their loved ones. Or even be encouraged by family members who struggled seeing someone close to them suffering, into thinking that it was the right thing to do.

Actually my mum said that people who wanted to die were depressed and that the depression is what should be treated. Help the person, not help them die.

Twenty years later I agree with my mum's views on Euthanasia completely. I look at her life and know that put in extreme circumstances people can still cope, when given positive support and the care they need. Seeing how she lived and how she pushed through many dark hours inspires me to know that I can do anything.

In a recently published report put out by the Victorian Parliament it is suggested that if legislation is passed for Euthanasia that each case would need to be approved by two or more doctors.(1)

Two or more doctors signing off on someone being allowed to receive a lethal injection? That makes me extremely nervous.

No one can argue how busy our hospital and medical system is, so after a while, how much time would really be spent on evaluating people and how often would a doctor sign off and be less thorough then he should.

There are some very good, conscientious doctors out there but if we are honest, most of us at some stage have come across a doctor who is perhaps not as thorough with our care. If they are not as particular or thorough could they look at someone's situation and see hopelessness without digging a little deeper? Without asking the bigger questions like, “how can we help to make your last days more comfortable”?

How about instead of helping people end their life we look at how we, as a community, can help people improve their final days, whether that be fifty years or five days more.

The report also states: “Palliative care has improved significantly in the last twenty years. In the vast majority of cases (but not all), pain and suffering can be treated to the satisfaction of the patient”.(2)

I mention this because suffering is something that is close to all of our hearts; the fear of suffering or watching someone we love suffer. The basis for Euthanasia is that people should have a choice on whether they let that suffering continue. However, as mentioned above, in most cases their pain and suffering can be treated with the right help.

My mum passed away eleven years ago.

She can no longer have a voice but her words still ring in my ears. I have many newspaper articles on her where she spoke out about Euthanasia. She was also a huge support and encouragement to other's around her with disabilities.

What will my children think about Euthanasia in years to come? When they bring it up I'll simply respond with “Let me tell you about your Grandma ...”

Lesley and her granddaughter Katie

Written in loving memory of Lesley Elaine Tyzack. 1947 - 2005 by her daughter Vicki L

P.S.  Please share my Mother's story with your friends, your family and the world.  You have my permission to share her story on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ etc)

 Note: My mother's name was Lesley Elaine Tyzack

 * This post is written by Vicki L who has given me permission to share it on my blog.
** Photo used with permission from Linton Photography to use image E917-D12-2450.


  • (1) Inquiry Into End of Life Choices Final Report, Parliament of Victoria legislative Council, Victoria Should Legalise Assisted Dying page 225, Approval by two or more doctors 8.7.1., Victorian Government Printer, June 2016.
  • (2) Inquiry Into End of Life Choices Final Report, Parliament of Victoria legislative Council, Chair's foreword page XVI, Victorian Government Printer, June 2016.
  • Reforms recommended for end of life choices

Thursday 13 October 2016

Lesson 10: The Plate from Nepal {Virtual Fridge}

This Week
We have not completed this project yet but I thought I would show you stage one.  I love the step by step instructions presented by ArtAchieve and how it makes for very easy art presentations for me.  The only prep work I have is gathering the materials.  This is from Level I-Lesson 10: The Plate from Nepal.

Are you on INSTAGRAM ?  You can now use your IG account to link up an show us your art adventures.

This weeks Feature

This weeks feature is a tutorial from over at Homeschool Coffee Break.  If you're looking for some Fall inspired art be sure to take a look at this list.

Your Turn

I invite you to take some photo's of your children's artistic pursuits put them in a post and link up with me I would love to come over and see the wonderful art your children have enjoyed doing.
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your ART along with a link to your art/tutorial.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Online Christian Filmmakers Academy {Review}

I'm so very excited. This year has been so interesting watching Nathaniel discover how to make and produce short movie clips.  Some of the clips are made on his phone and recently he started a YouTube channel and spent many hours delightfully teaching himself how to use all sorts of software to accomplish his goals. I was feeling a little at a loss on how to support his learning in this area until we were given access to Online Christian Filmmakers Academy from Family Gravity Media, a division of Families For Christ Ministries, Inc. to review.

Together we have been learning so much. We have not had to buy any special equipment although you do learn about the types of equipment used. Needless to say Nathaniel's Christmas wish list has grown quite considerably.

We have been given a year's worth of online access to the Online Christian Filmmakers Academy.  The classes are produced and presented by Ken and Zack Lawrence who are a father and son team who have been working together since 2004 and have more than a decade of experience.

How it works

Lesson Library

The course is an online program which is digitally streamed from your account. After signing in you will be taken to the home / introduction page.  On the left there is a menu with links to the five different modules of the program.

There are five modules to work through.
  1. The Camera (6 Lessons + 1 Quiz)
  2. Cinematography (10 Lessons)
  3. Sound (6 Lessons)
  4. Pre-Production (5 Lessons)
  5. Production (6 Lessons)
Tracking the lessons

  • Each of the modules are divided into separate lessons. 
  •  Tracking your progress is really easy.  Once you watch a clip you mark it complete and move onto the next lesson.  
  • Each lesson is titled and below the title you can see the length of the video as well as a short written summary.
  • On the module overall page you can see your progress at a glance.  Completed lessons show a tick in the corner and partially watched clips show as such.
Lesson page layout

When you click on a lesson it opens on a new page. On the page you have access to the lesson video and a comments section.  In the comment section you can ask questions about the lesson and interact with the instructors.

If there is a lesson download you will find the link on the right hand side of the page.  The downloads are in pdf. format.

The program is continuing to grow and as such being updated with bonus documents which include: templates, insider interviews, quizzes and new content.  This will be added throughout the year ahead and made available to all new and current students.

  • The course costs $299* for a full year of access. It is currently on sale for $199 until 30 November 2016 by using Coupon Code: FALLCREW16 on the checkout page. 
  •  It comes with a 30 day no questions asked money-back guarantee.
  • Your one year membership is good for your entire family and can be used by multiple students within your household.
  • Christian Filmmakers Academy share tips and free video lessons on their Facebook page: Christian Filmmakers Camp.
 * This price is current at the time of this review.  Prices are subject to change at the discretion of Family Gravity Media, a division of Families For Christ Ministries, Inc. so please review the current price on their website before making your purchase.

Nathaniel and I have both enjoyed working our way through the lessons.  They are well presented and give a very good twaddle free class on the practical aspects of film making.   I am really looking forward to Nathaniel using the skills he has learned in this class in the future and if he continues in his passion for film making I will be adding this to his Curriculum Vitae in the future.


Online Christian Filmmakers Academy {Family Gravity Media} Reviews

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Thursday 6 October 2016

Art Lesson 5: The Dragonfly from Ecuador {Virtual Fridge}

This Week
Some more art from Art Achieve.  We're really enjoying the lessons.  I love the back ground information and the excellent step by step lessons.  This is from Level 1 - Art Lesson 5: The Dragonfly from Ecuador .

Are you on INSTAGRAM ?  You can now use your IG account to link up an show us your art adventures.

This weeks Feature

This weeks feature is a tutorial from over At Home: Where Life Happens.  
Your Turn

I invite you to take some photo's of your children's artistic pursuits put them in a post and link up with me I would love to come over and see the wonderful art your children have enjoyed doing.
Virtual Fridge Link Up


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Please NOTE by adding your links to the Virtual Fridge link up YOU are giving the hosts of the Virtual Fridge link up permission to use a photograph from your blog to feature 
your ART along with a link to your art/tutorial.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

If You Were Me and Lived in... Series by Carole P.Roman {Review}

I am so excited to tell you about eight new children's history books  brought to you by Carole P. Roman and The books we received to review are:
  1. If You Were me and Lived In... Ancient Greece (Volume 1) 
  2. If You Were me and Lived In... the Middle Ages (Volume 6)
  3. If you were me and lived in... Ancient China 
  4. If you were me and lived in... Viking Europe (Volume ) 
  5. If you were me and lived in ... Renaissance Italy (Volume 2) 
  6. If you were me and lived in ... Elizabethan England (Volume 3) 
  7. If you were me and lived in ... Colonial America (Volume 4) 
  8. If you were me and lived in ... the American West (Volume 7) 

Nathaniel and I both enjoy books which are twaddle free and beautifully illustrated. This series meets our every expectation of amazing books. We are very thankful to Carol and the Homeschool Review Crew for blessing us with these fabulous books.  We have been traveling through time and discovering how children lived in different times and cultures throughout history.

Inside the books
  • The stories invite you the reader to come with a child to the country being explored.  There is a picture of what it looks like now followed by a picture of what it would have looked like in the era you are exploring.   The era is explored from the perspective of a child.
  • You find out what sorts of names people had
  • The work people did
  • Names of people and places are followed by a pronunciation guide in brackets.  If a word had a special meaning this is explained too.
  • Interesting facts pertaining to the culture are shared.  
  • The money/trading systems used in the era / culture are explained.
  • The children are introduced to the accommodation and clothing used by the different classes of people within the culture. 
  • Education, government, spiritual beliefs and military are explained.
  • The family structure and specific roles of each member within a family are explored.
  • Important people from the time period within the culture are introduced
  • The book contains a full glossary of terms.
You will find a great list of comprehension questions to copy and print for each of the books on Carole's blog.

The Details

If You Were me and Lived In... Ancient Greece (Volume 1)
Series: An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time
Paperback: 54 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 17, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1523234296
ISBN-13: 978-1523234295
Kindle $ 3.04
Paperback: $14.99

You will be taken back to 350 B.C and learn where Greece is located, it's capital city and a few other interesting cities from the era.  Discover that Greece is "the Cradle of Western Civilization" and the reasons why. Each of the Greek gods are introduced throughout the book (their names, appearance and traits).  Greek clothing (chiton, peplos and the toga) and culture from the ancient times.  You will learn about their governmental system, literature and philosophy.

If you were me and lived in... Ancient China
Paperback: 76 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (June 18, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 153287524X
ISBN-13: 978-1532875243
Kindle $ 2.03
Paperback: $15.99

Travel back to second century (150 A.D.) China during the Golden Age of China and discover one of the longest dynasty's of the time - the Han dynasty. Travel the Silk Road and learn about important trade. There were four majour professions during this time: Scholar, Doctor, Farmer and Merchant. Your father decided what you would do for a profession. Learn about the discovery of silk and paper and the impact this had on the whole world.

If you were me and lived in... Viking Europe (Volume )
Series: If You Were Me and Lived in...
Paperback: 76 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 27, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1532875304
ISBN-13: 978-1532875304
Kindle $ 3.06
Paperback: $13.59

Travel back to the year 870 AD northern Europe in Norway. Discover a brave exploring people.  You may have been called Knut or Ulf if you were a boy and Sigrid or Hilde if you were a girl. Your second name was your fathers. The only coins used were pennies. These strong well groomed people were known for their bravery, dependability and allegiance to one another.  Woman were well respected.  These people ate very well and looked after anyone in need.

If you were me and lived in ... Renaissance Italy (Volume 2)
Series: An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time
Paperback: 56 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 6, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 152323427X
ISBN-13: 978-1523234271
Kindle $ 2.04
Paperback: $14.99

Travel back in time to the year 1483 in Tuscany. Popular names were Lorenzo and Cosimo for boys and Dolce and Lisabetta for girls. This was an important period of rebirth and inspired many famous artists, like Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello. Because Florence was the birthplace of the new movement and became known as "The Athens of the Middle Ages."   Common seasonings during that time were cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, saffron and pepper, along with oranges and lemons. It was a time of sporting events, festivals, and dances. 

If you were me and lived in ... Elizabethan England (Volume 3)
Series: An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time
Paperback: 52 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 21, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1523229365
ISBN-13: 978-1523229369 
Kindle $ 2.02
Paperback: $14.99

Discover what life was like in  1578 during the reign of Elizabeth I. This was the golden age for art and literature and saw an increase in exploration. The narrow, cobblestone streets were filthy as people threw dirt, garbage, and waste out the windows. Houses were half-timbered and made of wattle and daub and the floors were covered in straw. Middle class people ate mutton, sausage, cheese, stew, and bread. No one drank water, but chose ciders and ales instead. The clothing consisted of many layers, and laws stated what color each class of people could wear and your religion was determined by whomever was on the throne.

If You Were me and Lived In... the Middle Ages (Volume 6)
Series: If You Were Me and Lived in...
Paperback: 98 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (July 9, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1533673241
ISBN-13: 978-1533673244
Kindle $ 3.06
Paperback: $19.99

Travel further back in time to  1072 in a small town in London, England. Discover names, like Geoffrey, Roul, Melisende, and Aalis, and learn about how they determined surnames. It's written as if the reader is the daughter of a knight. It describes life in a castle with wealth, servants, a large family. It mentions the Crusades, the importance of the church, the classes of society and their occupations and how they lived.

If you were me and lived in ... Colonial America (Volume 4)
Series: An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time
Paperback: 64 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 28, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1523234075
ISBN-13: 978-1523234073 
Kindle $ 3.18
Paperback: $14.99

Travel back to England in 1620 and follow the journey of your family as you move to the Netherlands and from there join other families to travel to a new land upon the Mayflower.  Make a new friend from the Wampanoag tribe who will teach you to hunt and grow your own food.  Celebrate the day you were "breeched" and attend school at home with your mother. 

If you were me and lived in ... the American West (Volume 7)
Paperback: 58 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (June 18, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1532877846
ISBN-13: 978-1532877841
Kindle $ 2.04
Paperback: $14.99

The year is 1843 and you are growing up in a homestead in Oregan after moving here during "The Great Migration of 1843". As a young one of 12 you learned many valuable skills on that hard journey but they helped you grow stronger as a family and equipped you for the daily chores which were a part of your new life.  School came over winter and spring break meant working on the farm.  Many men died on the the journey over and the women continued on.  Everyone helped one another to build homes and barns.  

About the Author

We really enjoy all of the If You Were Me and Lived In ... book series by Carole P. Roman and I am pretty sure you will, too.  Carole is an award-winning author and mom who started writing because she was dared to by one of her sons and we are so pleased that she did! Her books are some of our favourites on the shelf. She's a former Social Studies teacher who fell in love with adventure and exploration and desires to share that love with us. You know that your children are getting factual information as they read for personal enjoyment when they pick up any of these books. She has been awarded numerous book awards and her entire cultural non-fiction series If You Were Me and Lived in... was named Best Series by Shelf Unbound.

You can connect with Carole on Social media here:
We love all of these books and are looking forward to using them throughout our chronological history studies.

I'd also love for you to visit my earlier reviews of the cultural books in the original series. You can see what we thought of Mexico, France, South Korea and Norway AND check out the fun we had with Australia too.


If You Were Me and Lived in ... {by Carole P. Roman and}

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