It's been a slow and emotional week in my world this week. I think too much chocolate and not enough sleep are contributing factors. Also being disorganized . . . More on this next week :)
In our home school this week…
- We spent the week finishing off books and reading. As well as trying something new for art and we made compost in a bottle (Tutorial next week)
- Booked for Kelly Sports
- Registered for Hot Shots Tennis
- Sir N completed level one of Children's Music Journey.
- Breaking out of the 36 Week Box over at One Magnificent Obsession
- Brain Development 101 over at Why Homeschool
- Square Numbers Free Printables
- Carnival of Homeschooling over at Home Grown Mommy
- A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels
- Opting out of Common Core over at Why Homeschool
- Living Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival over at Living Charlotte Mason in California
- Introducing the Encouraging Chick who blogs over at One Magnificent Obsession and wrote "Justa" Homeschool Mom.
- .Kelly Sports it was the final one for the term.
- Seeing Sir N receive his certificate.
- Too many late nights
On My Bedside Table ...
- The stack of books keeps growing and not diminishing . . .
- I having a look at A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels after reading all about it over at Homegrown Learners in last weeks link up.
- Blog Buttons and Banners - How I make them over at Creating Classical Chaos
- The Case for Getting Married Young over at The Atlantic
- Crop for a Cause - Workshop for Tammy
- Trying to Emphasise the Beauty in Photo's over at Creating with Wisdom
- Nothing new
I’m grateful for…
- A husband who supports and encourages me
Josh Groban picks a girl from the audience to sing a duet. She sings amazingly definitely worth a listen
You are invited

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