Wednesday 7 August 2013

Day 3 - Science Curriculum

Welcome to Day 3 of the Schoolhouse Review Crew 5 days of ... blog hop.

The theme for my 5 days is Curriculum Choices. My aim is not to list every single resource out there (That in itself would be almost impossible as the Internet is an ever changing place). My aim is to give you some ideas to start you off.

Today's theme is Science.
Over the years of my home school journey I have come to appreciate the value of hands on science learning and as a result I am purposing to do more experiential learning with Sir N.

We've done things like go on a 7 000 km trip to see a total Solar Eclipse, got up at 4am to see a total lunar eclipse and taken an early morning drive to go see an annular eclipse, spent hours at the science museum exploring and handing him broken appliances to dismantle.  Day trips to museums are amazing sources of scientific experience.

I recently shared some thoughts on  Science in the highschool years here on the blog and while writing this I discovered that there are some amazing science resources available.  

Here are some Science Resources to explore
On Pinterest

 In Your Kitchen
 A Living Book Approach

From a Christian Perspective
Creation Ministries

Answers In Genesis
 Charlotte Mason Inspired 
A few others
FREE on the internet

For Fun
 Krissy from over at Venspired created this fun science graphic.   Take a look and tell me what sort of science you are doing at the moment ?

And what curriculum if any are you using that I could I add to this list ?



  1. We supplement with Real Science for Kids. My kids just LOVE it!

  2. We are using Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding.


I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥