Friday 24 February 2012

Homeschool Mothers Journal {15} - 46 days of LENT ?????

The Home school Mother’s Journal began as a single post on a Friday morning over at The Home school Chick, and turned into a link-up for home school mothers across the blog-O-sphere to share a piece of their journey with one another each week. The link party is open from Friday to Monday so join me in The Home school Journal and lets encourage one another on our home school journey.

In my life this week…
In our home school this week…
Sir N touching a Little Penguin
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
I am inspired by…
  • A beautiful post over at Princess Warrior Lessons by guest blogger Leah from Prayer Gifts titled: Wait and see. To whet your appetite here is a snippet:
       My son was my teacher today. 
    As I drove him across town to his friend’s house, my 15-year-old and I chatted about his older brother, all full of plans, heading off to college soon.  As we talked about how different things will be when Garrett moves out, Logan glanced over at me and said, “Mom, I don’t want to know all the answers. I just like to wait and see what happens.”..............
    head on over to Princess Warrior Lessons to finish this excellent post that will touch your mother heart with the deep abiding love of Jesus. 
  • What would I do differently ? over at Keepin it real. I wish I had had this information when I was a mum with very young children.  
  • When God wont hurry up.  Beautiful post and healing to the heart.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • This week it was our turn to host the home school mom's group.  It was good to see the ladies and enjoy encouraging fellowship.
  • Went to Granny's house for lunch and a haircut.
  • Went to Granny's house to celebrate her birthday on Thursday.
  • On the spur of the moment we decided to go with Paul to Melbourne Zoo on Thursday.  We enjoyed looking around. Did you know it's their 150th year anniversary ?
  • Counting down the months, weeks and days

My favorite thing this week was…
  • Conquering Mount Washmore and then destroying Mount Ironmore !! 

What’s working/not working for us… SOS HELP
  • I am a little confused!  This past Wednesday was Ash Wednesday and signaled the begining of LENT.  In theory there are 40 days to Lent and day 41 is Easter Sunday.  This year Ash wednesday is 46 days before Easter Sunday so how am I suposed to do this ?????? Day 40 is actually next Tuesday the 28th February.  Please HELP me untangle this ?
Questions/thoughts I have…
  • What does your daily schedule look like?  I need to make one and was wondering if I should do a little of each subject each day OR have a day for each subject other than the three R's.
Things I’m working on…
  • My overall fitness. I have been using Wii Active and enjoying it.  I am surprised by it's effectiveness.  I am not a game console person and I must confess that after each session I feel as though I have had a personal coach coaching me. I just hope I can see some results in my clothing size soon ;-)
  • Reading the books I have on Nature Journaling: Keeping a Nature Journal by Clare Walker Leslie, Field Trips by Jim Arnosky, Chapters 33{Nature Study} , 34 {Nature for City Children} & 35 {Neighbourhood Nature study} in my Charlotte Mason Companion book. I am planning a once a month linky party for the Charlotte Mason Companion starting on Monday 19 March with these three topics to start with.  So if you have the book get reading, blog and join me. 
I’m reading…
  • All about the THE KOOKAGUMJOEYS who are the FIRST® LEGO® League Australian Champion’s Award Winners 2011. They are fundraising for their planned trip to represent Australia in Germany in June 2012.  If you are able hop on over and donate to help these girls get to Germany. 
  • His Dreams over at Keepin it Real.
  • The book of Leviticus.  My favourite chapter has been chapter 19.  If you are a new christian, an older christian wanting to be refreshed or simply looking for a good summary of boundaries to live by or things to teach your children about Godly living then this is the chapter for you.  I want to summarise this for Sir N's wall: Guidance for Godly Living.
  • Joshua - God's Warrior by Ellen Gunderson Traylor.
  • The myth of the eight hour sleep on the BBC News site.
I’m cooking…
Even the cat knew there
was good food to be had!!
  • Stir Fry chicken for wraps.
  • East African Chicken.
  • Omelettes filled with mushrooms, onions and capsicum.
  • Fresh flounder my husband caught last night. (5 Flathead & 2 Garfish on the board and Flounder in the sink)
I’m grateful for…

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
  •  Start by making your own home a place where happiness and love abound, through your love for each member of your family and for your neighbour.  Try to put in the hearts of your children a love for home.  Make them long to be with their families.  So much sin could be avoided if our people really love their homes. 
    Mother Theresa

This post is linking to:
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers and The Homeschool Chick pop on over to read what other homeschool Moms are doing.

Thursday 23 February 2012

She is Far Above Rubies

Today is a special day.  It's my Mom's birthday so I thought I would introduce you all to her.

My mom is a capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman who is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies.
The heart of my Dad trusts in her confidently and he has no lack of gain.
She has been the model wife and shown what it means to comfort, encourage and do him good.
Through her example of seeking out wool and working willingly with her hands have I learned much.
She has always provided nourishing meals for our family. Through her example have I learned to be a frugal nutritious cook.
My Mom has always arisen early and she diligently taught us all from His word.
She has always lived a godly example and has never courted neglect of her duties.
She girds herself with spiritual strength and has always stood firmly by her faith.
I have learned much about having a heart for the poor and filling the hands of the needy whether in body mind or spirit. My Mother gives generously of herself to those in need (at times that has been me ...)
My Mom has clothed her family well and we never had want for warm clothing. (I have fond memories of her knitting.)
She is an excellent seamstress and has patiently taught me how to sew, crochet and knit. (and still is).
In an era of godless living my Mother is adorned with modesty and is always appropriately and sensibly dressed.
My Mother demonstrates strength and dignity in her daily living.
My Mother has been blessed with skillful and godly Wisdom and on her tongue is the law of kindness she wisely shares her counsel and instruction.
My Mother has always looked well to the things of her household and the bread of idleness is not found there.
I love my Mom and she is a blessing, my Dad boasts about her.
There are many woman who have done virtuously and nobly well but she has excelled them all and to me her value is FAR above RUBIES

I love you Mom Happy Birthday.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Ideas for LENT from Pinterest

Today is the beginning of Lent.  I have never observed this period before and wanted to know more about it.  Here are some blog posts on what others are doing for Lent:
What is Lent? over at Bible Gateway Blog. Check out my LENT pinboard over on Pinterest for more links.

** Update - Pinterest changed something in their coding which deleted all graphics so I've linked straight to the blog posts for you :) **

 Over at Lord, Make Me a Saint Lent Link Up I liked this idea of beans.  There is also a great list of practical crafts for you to see.  (Original Pin)

Collette shared about her families Jesus Tree and I am inspired to make one of these this year.  There are down loadable printable and readings.   (Original Pin)

Here are some ideas from Pinterest:

This looks wonderful. Its a step by step from Jesse Tree to JESUS TREE for Lent (Original Pin)

40 Ideas for Lent (2012) This is a great list.  (Original Pin)
  • 10 questions to ask at lent
  • 10 books to read at lent 
  • 10 Disciplines to put in place 
  • 10 Scripture Meditations

This one looks good.  This is a blog party with ideas for lent.  There are 88 ideas linked up. (Original Pin)
Here is a great printable for counting down the days of LENT. (Original Pin)

A lent and holy week lap pack to purchase (Original Pin)

Home Made countdown over at Lolly Jane. (Original Pin)

40 days of ......... (Original Pin)

Ideas for preparing for Lent. (Original Pin)

What are you doing to celebrate LENT with your family this year ?



Photos from Catholic Icing used with permission.