Saturday 31 December 2011

Favourite photo{s} 2011 Link Up

favorite photo 2011

C.H.A.O.S. and burn out

I have been really feeling burned out, overwhelmed and just plain awful with very low energy levels.  I am really tired of being tired and over whelmed all the time !

I have realized that part of the cause of my burnout is that in this past year I have been suffering from C.H.A.O.S. (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) {blush}. As I poked around the net about clutter and C.H.A.O.S. I read this over at Thinking Out Loud Blog:
clutter is more of a physical expression of our emotional condition than it is about our organizational skills.”

I must agree that this statement is true for me. I have really been struggling to keep on top of life and it feels like everything is spinning out of control. Well this week I decided to grab the world and make it stand still so I can catch up.

It feels so good to be regaining my life a little bit at a time. So far I have conquered the wash pile in the laundry (now to tackle the pile of ironing before midnight!), Sir N's room, I need to do the other rooms in the house. Well the rumpus I am avoiding till I can work out what to do about it. ...... and on the to do list this coming week is the office space.

I have decided that slow and steady needs to be my motto for this task ....

I went looking for some inspiration on the net.

Here is what I found:

Fly Lady

Fly Lady
I discovered the FlyLady about 10 years ago and I love her practical ideas which make her system achievable.  Her main philosophy is: Baby Steps.  The main item you need is a kitchen timer and you are ready to start:

I must confess I do not subscribe to the emails anymore as I find there are just too many for me to read on a daily basis.  So when ever I need inspiration I visit her website.

31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House the Mary Way.
Back in October I shared with you in New Beginnings- about 31 Days to Clean.

Sarah Mae is the author of 31 Days to clean. She inspires and encourages you to look at having a Martha house the Mary way. Each page takes less than 5 minutes to read and each day has small things to do.

31 Days to an Organized Home

I was having a poke around Follow Me on Pinterest and saw this button which piqued my interest :

The title grabbed my interest so I went over to have a look.  What a neat way to start the new year. Kelly is your host over at The Complete Guide to Imperfect Home Making.

This is what Kelly has to say about why to become organized:

I organize my home because I believe that when we clear out the things that don't matter, we make room for the things that do. Because our hearts and minds can only take so much chaos. And life has enough chaos of it's own. Because we need a daily refuge from the clutter and the noise and the blaring messages that wait on our doorstep. Because an uncluttered space creates an environment where we can learn and explore. And because when we clear out stuff, we make room for people. What are your reasons for wanting to organize and de-clutter?

31 Days to an Organised Home

Day 2: An Organized Coat Closet
Day 3: The Three Baskets Tip
Day 4: How to Apply Contact Paper to Drawers 
Day 5: Fabulous Pantries 
Day 6: A Peek Inside My Kitchen 
Day 7: DIY Pocket Organizer
Day 8: Defining Clutter 
Day 9:  Permission to Let Go, and to Keep
Day 10: Sometimes you Just Have to Live With It
Day 11: Kids' Socks
Day 12: Kid's Clothes (The Rule of Three)
Day 13: Kids' Closet Inspiration
Day 14: Sock Drawer 101 
Day 15: Master Closet
Day 16: A Place for Everything
Day 17: Command Centers
Day 18: Create an Action File 
Day 19: DIY File Basket
Day 20: Manuals and Warranties
Day 21: DIY Magazine Files
Day 22: Electronic Odds and Ends
Day 23: Pretty Tidy Desks
Day 24: How to Make Labels using Picnik
Day 25: Bathroom Storage
Day 26: Linen Closets
Day 27: It's Linky Party Day!
Day 28: Laundry Room Organization
Day 29: Sentimental Items
Day 30: My craft Closet
Day 31: Staying Organized

I am inspired to start off my new year becoming organized and in control of my home.

How will you be starting your new year ?


Friday 30 December 2011

HSMJ - 31 622 400 is what I have

The Home school Mother’s Journal began as a single post on a Friday morning over at The Homeschool Chick, and turned into a link-up for homeschool mothers across the blog-O-sphere to share a piece of their journey with one another each week. The link party is open from Friday to Monday so join me in The Homeschool Journal and lets encourage one another on our homeschool journey.

In my life this week…
In our homeschool this week…

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
  • Habits are time consuming to implement but the rewards far out weigh the time it takes to train and practice a new habit. 
I am inspired by…
  • .De-Cluttering your Soul - The Secret to Peace and Rest 2012 written by Sally Clarkson. Sally wrote: I am not a person gifted in handling details—too much mail, too many catalogues, too many emails, too many options, too many things. The more there is, the more I become responsible for, the more work there is to be done, and so, the more anxious I become. Same with activities. The more I commit to, the more I say yes, the more I have to drive, the more my house gets into a mess, and the more anxious I become, the more hurried we feel, and the more weary I become. When I am not at peace, nothing in our home is at peace. Definately pop on over to I Take Joy and read the whole artical you will be inspired and encouraged. I can so relate to what Sally has shared today.
  • Jennifer over at Little Homeschool on the Prairie who wrote: The Gift of Homeschooling.  Jen asks: Is homeschooling a gift?   Or is it a chore...another thing to cross of the to-do list every day? She  finsihes saying: it most definitely is a gift- an expression of love for my family.
    If I see it as such, then I should look at each moment we have together at home  as precious, special, and a way for me to serve my family
    . I am encouraged to enjoy each day ....
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • This week I did not have a car which turned out to be a good thing because I stayed home and rested.
  • However we did have a couple of family come over and had share a cup of tea with us.

My favorite thing this week was…
  • Sir N's delight at being allowed to dismantle the irreparable microwave!

What’s working/not working for us…
Questions/thoughts I have…

  • Thirty One Million Six Hundred and Twenty Two Thousand Four Hundred seconds are what I have before me this new year (God willing...{James 4:13-15})   I have been thinking about that.  How and what will I spend that free gift of time on ?  I do NOT want to look back on another year and be disappointed and the only way I can accomplish that feeling of accomplishment is to plan to redeem my time.  That time is a GIFT to me.
  • How do you rank your priorities and organize your day / week ?
 Things I’m working on…
  • Planning on how I will redeem the time in the new year.
  • Hymn Study for 2012 by Nadene over at Practical Pages.  I am inspired to add this into our school room. It is something I intended to do but never got around to with my older two students.  I am inspired by Nadene and her free down loadable to add this to our school week in the new year.
  • Planning my homeschool schedule.
  • Are you a Planner?  I have never heard of a Penny Walk before and will definitely be trying this one with Sir N in the new year
  • Resting in His peace and handing over the clutter and worry in my soul.
  • A couple of DIY for blogging posts.
  • Learning to make Photo Collage's using a free program called: Photoscape. I was over at Erin's Seven Little Australians and she had a beautiful photo collage with a link.  I am so glad I took the time to take a look, the DIY step by step tutorial is excellent.
I’m reading…
Look at these beautiful bookmarks.

There are 6 different book marks available for you to download and print over at Time Warp Wife.

I’m cooking…
I’m grateful for…
  •  The gift of sight and hearing.  I love to hear the sound of worship 
  • The ability to read and write.
I’m praying for…
  • His guidance 
  • Teens and little people
  • Health and healing for my Mom who has had surgery.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today - Anonymous
Paul reading The Complete Adventures of Curious George to Sir N.
