Wow time flies so fast and we've missed a few weeks of the Virtual Fridge but I'm pleased to say we are back. This week we learned to use a new medium: acrylic paint. Painting small area's was a little challenge for Nathaniel as we have not done very much painting up until now.
This Month's Theme
Welcome to the Virtual Fridge for the month of November. If you are after some inspiration our theme is THANKSGIVING.
This weeks Feature
This weeks feature is a tutorial by Susie from over at Busy Toddler: Fall Leaf Craft.
Your Turn
I invite you to take some photo's of your children's artistic pursuits put them in a post and link up with me I would love to come over and see the wonderful art your children have enjoyed doing.

Connect with me
The Virtual Fridge a weekly art meme where we can hang our children's art on a virtual fridge. This meme was started by Jennifer over at A Glimpse of our Life who kindly invited three other bloggers to co-host this weekly meme.
Your hosts are
Welcome back!! :-) Love those giraffe masks - they turned out great!