Thursday, 8 April 2021

A is for Art Lessons at Home

 Welcome to week one of blogging through the alphabet.  Today is the letter A and I would like to talk about a rather cliche topic - Art in Your Homeschool and my co-host Desiree is sharing A is for Among Us.

ART is not my strong point and neither is getting out all the stuff that is needed to be creative.  My daughter loves to paint.  My first born loved drawing.  I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination.  Nathaniel's talents are more in the digital media using Cinema 4D but we still needed to do hands on art.

I discovered early in my homeschooling journey that I needed help. Intially that came through a co-op. We would pack a lunch and go over to the hall where the children participated in a group art class.

After we moved to Australia we had no co-op we could join.  This ment I needed to find a solution.  I approached a homeschool Mom who lived in the local area and arranged with her to team up.  She taught the children music (ie recorder) and I taught a weekly art session in my home. Being accountable through the weekly Virtual Fridge link up and to their family really helped keep me on track.  .

Tessellating Tile Art found in The Usborne ART Treasury on pages 84 -87.


Some Ideas to do Art from Home are...

Do not LIMIT your thinking of art to drawing.  Art is truly a multifacited medium.  It covers achitecture, the decor in your home to the classical ideas of sculpture and painting.   That is what makes it such a deep experiece to have in your homeschool because you are surrounded by art everywhere you go.

Use your community.  - Immersion is a wonderful way to experience and explore art.  Look in the news, do some google searches to see What's On ...  Here a few ideas to get you started

Modrian Inspired Art


Choose a famous artist

Book recommendations

here are a few of my favourites

Drawing Textbook sample lesson Thirteen
Drawing Textbook Lesson 13

If you have a student who wants to learn to draw I highly recommend you invest in the Drawing Textbook by Bruce McIntyre.

For Natural History Illustration be sure to check out the FREE edX course: Drawing Nature, Science and Cultrue: Natural History Illustration 101.

Online Art Tutorial Programs we've used and enjoyed

  • ArtAchieve - There are five year levels available.  You are able to purchase single lessons of any project you would like to use in your homeschool.  The lessons are presented in different formats (PowerPoint or video) by John Hofland.  Every lesson has a comprehensive lesson plan available covering many aspects on the topic at hand. Be sure to try a FREE lesson with ArtAchieve: FREE Level I-Art Lesson I-2: The Czech Cat "There is no right or wrong way to draw. One drawing is not better than another.  It's just different - because the people who are drawing are different "- John (ArtAchieve)
  • See The Light -  We have loved using the video based lessons.  Each video contains three step by step lessons.  Lessons are in a step by step format and available as downloads or DVD.  You can request your free lesson from here. We have really enjoyed the Art Projects series and learnt so many great things from pop art (Repeated Sweets - Wayne Thiebaud Artist Study) to pointillism fruit.
  • A few years back we did a series of art pieces via the on line art lessons using Creating a Masterpiece. I really liked the way each lesson is broken up into shorter step by step lessons making it easy to accomplish really complex pieces over a number of days or weeks. You can try a free lesson over here.

 On Pinterest

Picture Study Resources

Chareen repeated sweets: cupcakes

 Art Resources on line

Homeschool Friends recommend these art programs

I would love to hear what YOU have used to teach art in your homeschool.



Link up your posts starting with the letter A for this weeks ABC Blogging. Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. So far for our younger children I have used ARTistic Pursuits and Learning about Art from plus lots of crafts I create, modify, etc. for them.

  2. Woah! What a list! I am going to check out the digital program you mentioned that your son likes. My daughter is interested in digital but we have struggled to find something that is accessible and affordable.

  3. If I had unlimited supplies... I think I'd want to do a class in sand sculpting in jars. Would be so much fun I think. I need to learn how to colour my own sand! The really fine crafting sand....


I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥