Thursday, 22 April 2021

Charlotte Mason a Round Up of Posts

Welcome to week three of Blogging Through the Alphabet.  This week Desiree at Our Homeschool Notebook is sharing Creator 3-in-1

Over the years here on the blog I've shared multiple posts on Charlotte Mason today I would like to share a round up of these posts with you.

  1. How to Pursue an Understanding of a Charlotte Mason Education - Some ideas on how to host a Charlotte Mason study Group.
  2. How does Charlotte Mason define Twaddle?  Twaddle is a word you will become familiar with when pursing this method and it's becomming more commonly used within the homeschooling community that focus on using living books to teach. 
  3. Books on the Charlotte Mson Method - Books I recommend to support your knowledge base of pursuing a Charlotte Mason Education in your homeschool. 
  4. Charlotte Mason - Why Read Her Original Works? - After finally reading her original works I discovered a treasure trove for every homeschooling parent.

The mind feeds on ideas, and therefore children should have a generous curriculum. - Charlotte Mason 

Who was Charlotte Mason?

She was born in Bangor and christened Charlotte Maria Shaw Mason (1 January 1842 – 16 January 1923). Miss Mason was a pioneering educator who developed a matchless approach to education. She believed that all children should have a wide-ranging, generous education and to be allowed to reach their full potential.
Charlotte Mason

During her life she taught school, was a lecturer at a Teacher Training College, wrote many books and pamphlets, started a training school for governess’ which became Charlotte Mason College, became a popular public lecturer, established the Parents National Education Union (PNEU), and was Editor of it’s magazine, “Parent’s Review”. Miss Mason’s philosophy of education is designed for homes, private schools, and homeschools.

Charlotte Mason had never claimed to have invented the methods that she put forth, rather she modified and combined them in a practical and intelligent way. Her methods include Narration and copywork, Nature Notebooks, Fine Arts, Languages, a Literature based curriculum instead of textbooks, and real-life applications.


Featured from Week 2 all things 'B'

Find the other posts here:

  1. A is for Art Lessons at Home
  2. B is for Books Where do You Purchase Yours? 
  3. Charlotte Mason a Round Up of Posts

Please link up your posts starting with the letter C for this weeks ABC Blogging. Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. When I first starting homeschooling taking a Charlotte Mason approach seemed like a foreign idea to me but the more I read about the methods, the more I see how I already do some of those things.

    1. It was much the same for Kristen. Although when I read through her original writing I was surprised at discovering how many things are attributed to Charlotte Mason that really are not a part of her method.

  2. Charlotte Mason was all the rage online when we started but I wish I had had a list like this to come to in order to learn. I might have dug more into it and employed it better. This approach to learning makes a lot more sense than other approaches to me and fits the philosophy I employ in teaching music. Great list that will benefit many.

    1. Thank you Lori. I felt the same as you. I was great encouraged when I finally read her original writing.

  3. I enjoyed using this approach as my kids were growing up. Not that we did everything the way she suggested, but what we did implement worked well for us.

    1. That's the best approach when homeschooling. It pays to use what works best for you in homeschooling.


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