Friday 16 March 2012

HSMJ 18 - Behind the scenes Gorilla Visit

The Home school Mother’s Journal began as a single post on a Friday morning over at The Homeschool Chick, and turned into a link-up for homeschool mothers across the blog-O-sphere to share a piece of their journey with one another each week. The link party is open from Friday to Monday so join me in The Homeschool Journal and lets encourage one another on our homeschool journey.

In my life this week…
In our home school this week…
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
I am inspired by…
  • Homeschool in Freedom: Throwing Out the Rules by Susan Lemons over at Home preschool and beyond. Excellent encouraging article that makes you think about your preconceived rules of homeschooling. do you need to follow them ??
    Here is a sneak peek: Many homeschoolers, especially new homeschoolers, live under a self-imposed set of “rules” based on their perceptions of what homeschooling should be. These unspoken “rules” are often based on our experiences with public schools. These “rules” often hurt us and our kids...... Make sure you head on over and take a read and be encouraged.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • On Monday we spent the afternoon at the Steamrail Open Day looking at vintage trains.
  • Tuesday saw us go on a midnight adventure in the sea.
  • Wednesday saw us sleep in and go to a friends house for a play date and some origami.
  • Thursday was my Dad's Birthday and we did a short trip to the library to collect many reserved titles.
  • Friday we went to WORZ to visit the three gorilla's behind the scenes to finish off our Expedition Earth Nigeria Unit (definitely a great perk for being married to a Zoo Keeper).
  • Counting down the months, weeks and days

My favorite thing this week was…
  • Listening to Sir N giggle as he watched an original version of The Three Little Pigs.

What’s working/not working for us…
  • LATE bed times .....
2012 in 2012
  • Read about this idea over at Behind the Scenes and was really intrigued.  I think I will give it a go.  Won't make 2012 I don't think but it will definitely help me de-clutter.
What  This Week Balance
3 Thrown Away 0 2
0 Sold 0 0
170 Donated 0 0
3 Returned to their owner 5 8

Running Total out of the goal 2012


Questions/thoughts I have…
  • What are some fun interesting FREE things you have done with your children ?
Things I’m working on…
I’m reading…
I’m cooking…
I’m grateful for…
  •  Friends who encourage me with fun food and fellowship.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
  • Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction. - Anne Frank 
We went to see the gorilla's behind the scenes at Werribee Open Range Zoo


This post is linking to:

Linking with
Grateful for Grace: What We're Learning

Thursday 15 March 2012

My Dad My Hero My Friend

 --MY DADDY-- 
Author: Carolyn Ford Witt

You were the strength of my existance
My guide at that young age.
You tried to be my teacher
My father-and my sage.

You brushed the dirt off of my knees
And checked the bruises there
And taught me to express myself
In a way that would be fair.

You taught me things to sustain me
Through every step of life
You tried to always protect me
And hide all kinds of strife.

                                                    You made your daughter strong enough
                                                     To face each problem here
                                                     That's why, I'll always love you,
                                                     Thank You, My Daddy dear.

Happy Birthday My Dad 
 I Love you more than words could ever say.

A Prayer for My Dad

Lord, Shepherd my dad today 
In green pastures let him lay 
To still waters guide his way 

Lead him in the paths of right 
Through the valley give him light 
When he's afraid ease his fright 
With Thy rod and staff lend might 

 Prepare a table of spoil 
Annointest his head with oil 
Give to him a cup that's royal 
Let goodness follow his toil 

And Thy mercy cease never 
May he dwell in Thy house forever 
This I ask in Jesus' name, Amen
Poem source: Poem
Psalm 23 

I love you my Dad and am proud of you and look forward to many more 4x4 adventures with you !

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Night Time Spear Fishing Adventures.

This was so much fun I just had to come and share it with you all.  Paul checked the weather and tide conditions last night at around 10 pm and said tonight will be perfect to go flounder fishing.  After a little bit of a chat we decided to get Sir N up dressed and go on a night time adventure and explore the surf with underwater lights and take a spear with in case we find any flathead or flounder. 

When we arrived the wind was a little nippy but the surf was quiet the moon beautiful and the experience fantastic.

The moon on the bay was spectacular.

Paul caught a banjo shark for us to look at and touch.

We saw all kinds of beautiful things under the water.

We were out till around 12:30 am and speared 7 flathead (max bag limit is 20) and one flounder.  We saw small sting rays, banjo sharks(fiddler ray), flounder, garfish, and puffer fish.

What are some unusual things you and your children have done together for fun ?