Wednesday 21 March 2012

HMAS Castlemaine

Yesterday we joined a few home school families for a trip to the HMAS Castlemaine at Gem Pier in Williamstown Victoria.  It was a wonderful three hours of exploring !  If you are ever in Victoria add this to your to do list !

Some things of interest
  • It took less than six months to build.
  • The Castlemaine was built in Victoria, at Williamstown Dockyard.
  • She was launched on 7th August 1941 and commissioned 17th June 1942.
  • She is one of the 60 Australian-built Bathurst class corvettes to serve throughout World War Two and the last such vessel still afloat.
  • Ships today do not go any faster than ships back then. The only difference is the economic efficiency of ships today.
  • She had a crew of 90 sailors (all men)
  • 70 of the crew slept in hammocks in one small area.
  • Each seaman was issued his own hammock which had his service number and name on it.  He took it with him where ever he went.
  • Each man had a set space / area where he hung his hammock.
  • When the ships were decommissioned they were each sold for £12 000
  • There are only two ships left from WWII in Australia and this is one of them.
  • Contrary to popular belief sailors were not issued rum on a daily basis.  Rum was kept on board for special occasions. It was used to toast the Queen on her birthday and coronation.
  • Today sailors have a beer allocation.  They are allowed one beer a day and only when in port. The beer is opened before they receive it.
  • The ship had enough food for 40 days at sea. 
  • There was fresh food for the first 10 days and after that it was powdered or tinned food.
  • They used salt water for everything. (toilets, showers, cleaning etc)
  • There were two types of compass aboard this ship.
  • She has been here for 30 years as a museum and has no government funding. She is manned and maintained by volunteers.
  • Some of the men who served aboard her 70 years ago still volunteer aboard her today.  We met two of them.  Both were in their 90's and took a tour !
For interest I had a look on Google Maps at the Castlemaine.

View Larger Map


Tuesday 20 March 2012

Tuesdays Treasures - A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays

 Welcome to Tuesdays Treasures.  I started these posts as a way of sharing great books in honour of my friend in New Zealand who would arrive with the treasures she had unearthed at her weekly trip to the library!

There are so many wonderful books out there hiding on shelves so I invite you to blog about a book on your shelf, one you're reading or one you found at the library and add your post to Learning All the Time Favourite Resource Link Up

This week ...

A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays

  • Format: Paperback 
  • Number of Pages: 584 
  • Vendor: Heart of Wisdom Publishing
  • Publication Date: June 2001
  • ISBN: 0970181604
  • Author Robin Sampson & Linda Pierce
  • Illustrator:
Along with my Mom I have embarked on a journey through the bible Cover to Cover. For the past couple of months we have been reading about the feasts the Lord required of the Israelite people. This has made me rather curious about the feasts and how as Christians we can celebrate the fulfillment and teach our children about them.  I found this book and thought I would share it with you.

The book is available from: Amazon, Fishpond, Book Depository. For a free pdf download of 39 pages please visit Heart of Wisdom.


Monday 19 March 2012

Mum Heart Conference

Have you heard about the Mum Heart Conference up on the Sunshine Coast, Australia ?

This is what Barb has to say about it: "I would love to encourage you on your home schooling journey and introduce you to mums from all around Australia who share your enthusiasm for raising your family - wholeheartedly.
This is not so much a "how to home school" conference ... more of a break away in a beautiful setting to encourage and replenish you and fill your heart to go home inspired to minister to your family.
Last year, I had the privilege of traveling to America to attend Sally Clarkson's Whole Heart Intensive and I am so inspired to pass that encouragement on to you! "

The conference will be held at  Novatel Twin Waters Hotel and there will be three speakers this year.  

I am hoping I can join the ladies in June but still not sure.

Will any of you be attending ?
