Thursday 27 May 2021

Homeschool Bloggers

  Welcome to week nine of Blogging through the Alphabet 2021. This week we are looking at the letter H and my co-host Desiree will be blogging about H is for Harry Potter in her alphabet lego series.

Ove the years I have found a few wonderful friends and bloggers to follow and shared them here on the blog.  

A few weeks back I was browsing Seven Little Australian's and Counting and catching up on veteran homeschooling Mum Erin and her amazing family here in Australia I discovered that Erin had a wonderful collection of homeschooling blogs to follow.  I asked her if I could share and she said yes.  The list below has been collated by her and I've added a couple of my own too. 

Erin and PC are blessed with eleven children and have been homeschooling and blogging for many years. 

IF you love books then following Erin's blog is a must.  She has the most amazing BOOK BLOG


ABC Bloggers to Follow

Australian Homeschool Blogs


Book Deliciousness


Charlotte Mason Inspired


Gifted Children

Home Education

Home Education Curriculum

Home Education Resources

Home Education – Beyond

Home Ed – Grad

Montessori Inspired

Natural Learning

When I'm looking for Notebooking inspiration I visit The Notebooking Fairy


Freya Dawson

Moments A Day


Mum Heart

Homeschool Product Reviews

For a list of 100 Review Bloggers go to Homeschool Review Crew here.

Travel Schooling

The Unplugged Traveller


Who are your favourite bloggers?



Find the other ABC posts in this series here:

  1. A is for Art Lessons at Home
  2. B is for Books Where do You Purchase Yours? 
  3. Charlotte Mason a Round Up of Posts 
  4. Delight Directed Education
  5. Encouragement for Weary Homeschooling Mothers
  6. For the Children's Sake  
  7. G is for Geography
  8. Homeschool Bloggers 

Featured from Week 4 all things 'G'

 This week  over at Our Homeschool Notebook the topic is H is for Harry Potter.  

Please link up your posts starting with the letter F for this weeks ABC Blogging.

Thursday 20 May 2021

G is for Geography

 Welcome back to Blogging through the Alphabet. Today we are looking at the letter G. I must confess this letter stumped me for a few days until I resigned myself to writing about Geography in your homeschool.  My co-host Desiree is sharing G is for Green in her Lego ABC series.

Geography tends to be one of those neglected subjects within homeschooling circles and some curriculum providors.  It does not need to be however as there are some really amazing resources available to us now.  Below I've listed a few resources to get you started.


 Unit Studies on this blog
As we travel the globe on our discovery of Geography I will be adding more geography unit studies to this blog.

Books we love
(Libraries are an excellent resource to teach for FREE)

Homeschool giveaways has an excellent resource list of printables too


 On Pinterest 


Expedition Earth

Sir N and I are currently working through Expedition Earth: A Journey through God's World. This curriculum was written by Erica from over at Confessions of a Homeschooler. We have been working our way slowly through this download watching YouTube clips, cooking and extra Notebooking pages. Sir N is enjoying it so much that he calls it our Travel School.

Trail Guide to World Geography

Trail Guide to World Geography  This particular package is my all time favourite.  You can purchase this as a book or an eBook download.  This little big book is chock full.
If you do this book with your children they will have covered geography from A-Z in three years.  You do each section once.  Once in primary school, once in middle school and once in high school. Each time your student does a year they go deeper learn more and practise more.
Each level is a complete 36 week school year course.  The teachers manual comes with everything you need to successfully and comprehensively teach geography without any prior knowledge of the subject.  There are also student work books available for each grade level.

Other Resources

Did you know that the total area of land surface on earth is: 143,804,549 square km? 

What are YOUR favourite Geography Resources ?



Find the other ABC posts in this series here:

  1. A is for Art Lessons at Home
  2. B is for Books Where do You Purchase Yours? 
  3. Charlotte Mason a Round Up of Posts 
  4. Delight Directed Education
  5. Encouragement for Weary Homeschooling Mothers
  6. For the Children's Sake  
  7. G is for Geography

Featured from Week 4 all things 'F'

 This week  over at Our Homeschool Notebook the topic is G is for Green .  

Please link up your posts starting with the letter F for this weeks ABC Blogging.


Thursday 13 May 2021

For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

Welcome back to Blogging through the Alphabet. Today we are looking at the letter F.  My co-host Desiree is sharing F is for Farm in her Lego ABC series.

For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay (first published in 1984) is the very first book I was given to read about home education. 

This book was paradign shifting for me.  Homeschooling was the furtherest thing from my mind.  I had no idea that home education even existed until I met someone who was homeschooling in 1997 in New Zealand when enquiring which preschool to send my children to. 

Susan challenged some of the fundamental beliefs I had and the surprising thing is I was not even aware I had them until I read the book. I was introduced to Charlotte Mason in this book and really loved the idea of twaddle free books. 

The idea of real books as a basis of education really appealed and still appeals to me today, and thus began my search for a curriculum that contained 'living' books.  Twaddle Free Books  that would touch our lives for years to come, books that were not dead, books that were real and did not leave us treading water going nowhere.

Education a Word Study

In 1883 according to Websters dictionary - noun [Latin educatio.] The bringing up, as of a child, instruction; formation of manners. education comprehends all that series of instruction and discipline which is intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future stations. To give children a good education in manners, arts and science, is important; to give them a religious education is indispensable; and an immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties.  

138 years later education is defined as -

  • The act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgement and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.
  • the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills for a profession. 
  • A degree, level or kind of schooling -
  • discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning in schools or school-like environments  - Britanica
  • the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.
  • the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and directed research.- Wikipedia
  • the process of teaching or learning, especially in a school or college or the knoweldge you get from this. - Cabridge Dictionary
  • the action or process of educating or being educated.
  • the knowledge and developemnt resulting from the process of being educated. - Merriam Webster

 As home educating parents it is of paramount importance that we understand what an education actually is in order to fully embrace the educational life. As we can see from Websters dictionary it's so much deeper and fuller than simply subjects and classifications.  It encompasses all of life.

For the Children's Sake is a great read for every parent who wants to give their children the best education possible. 

Although For the Children's Sake was published nearly forty years ago the ideas within it's pages are as relevant today as they were then.  You will be introduced to one of the greatest education giants of history Charlotte Mason. Susan expounds upon her ideals and shows you the parent what a pivotal role you play with every choice you make along your journey.

It's the type of book one reads to enlarge upon oneself.  It feeds your soul and stretches you to grow in ways you could not even begin to fathom. It encourages and expands the mind and soul. It is an inspirational call to give ourselves and our children the best education possible and extend learning into every single facet of life possible.

Buy the book here:

 What books would you place on your must read pile as a homeschooling parent?



Find the other ABC posts in this series here:

  1. A is for Art Lessons at Home
  2. B is for Books Where do You Purchase Yours? 
  3. Charlotte Mason a Round Up of Posts 
  4. Delight Directed Education
  5. Encouragement for Weary Homeschooling Mothers
  6. For the Children's Sake 

Featured from Week 4 all things 'E'

 This week  over at Our Homeschool Notebook the topic is F is for Farm.  

Please link up your posts starting with the letter F for this weeks ABC Blogging. This is a Blog Hop!