Thursday, 27 May 2021

Homeschool Bloggers

  Welcome to week nine of Blogging through the Alphabet 2021. This week we are looking at the letter H and my co-host Desiree will be blogging about H is for Harry Potter in her alphabet lego series.

Ove the years I have found a few wonderful friends and bloggers to follow and shared them here on the blog.  

A few weeks back I was browsing Seven Little Australian's and Counting and catching up on veteran homeschooling Mum Erin and her amazing family here in Australia I discovered that Erin had a wonderful collection of homeschooling blogs to follow.  I asked her if I could share and she said yes.  The list below has been collated by her and I've added a couple of my own too. 

Erin and PC are blessed with eleven children and have been homeschooling and blogging for many years. 

IF you love books then following Erin's blog is a must.  She has the most amazing BOOK BLOG


ABC Bloggers to Follow

Australian Homeschool Blogs


Book Deliciousness


Charlotte Mason Inspired


Gifted Children

Home Education

Home Education Curriculum

Home Education Resources

Home Education – Beyond

Home Ed – Grad

Montessori Inspired

Natural Learning

When I'm looking for Notebooking inspiration I visit The Notebooking Fairy


Freya Dawson

Moments A Day


Mum Heart

Homeschool Product Reviews

For a list of 100 Review Bloggers go to Homeschool Review Crew here.

Travel Schooling

The Unplugged Traveller


Who are your favourite bloggers?



Find the other ABC posts in this series here:

  1. A is for Art Lessons at Home
  2. B is for Books Where do You Purchase Yours? 
  3. Charlotte Mason a Round Up of Posts 
  4. Delight Directed Education
  5. Encouragement for Weary Homeschooling Mothers
  6. For the Children's Sake  
  7. G is for Geography
  8. Homeschool Bloggers 

Featured from Week 4 all things 'G'

 This week  over at Our Homeschool Notebook the topic is H is for Harry Potter.  

Please link up your posts starting with the letter F for this weeks ABC Blogging.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Great group. I have followed several of these but most are new to me. I was just thinking last night that I wanted to find some new writers to check out. Thanks!!

  2. I love being able to find many new bloggers to read in one place - thank you for this collection of them!

  3. that's quite the list of bloggers to follow. I know a fair number of them too! :)

  4. I love finding new blogs to follow, and these all look so great. I'm excited to get to know them!

  5. Wow, I can't wait to take some time to look more closely at these writers. Thank you for including me on your list!


I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥