Tuesday 25 October 2011


I shared about these over at GEMS 2 TOTS on Saturday but wanted to share it with my friends here too.
Back in June Alecat shared about i-clips magnetic page markers in her post Cute, Practical Bookmarks. I was immediately hooked.

I have owned and lost almost as many book marks as books.  I have been using these for the past month and I am impressed with their performance and price.  They are a great investment in any home that has books. 


Each clip measures 57 mm from tip to tip when open, 18 mm wide and 28 mm from edge to tip when closed.

Because they are magnetic they do not fall out of the book.

Meaning you can use either side to mark the exact spot on the page you stopped reading.

They are 2 mm thick when closed and do not damage the book you are reading.

They are available in a multitude of different patterns such as: Butterflies, Emoticons, Celtic, and Cupcakes. They are fairly popular and sell out fast but be persistent till you get the ones you want.  I buy mine from Book Depository.  They come in a pack of eight.


Monday 24 October 2011

Jess the cat!

A few weeks ago I was browsing at Big W and saw some really neat kits called Make-Your-Own Sew Cute animals, which are produced by Studiogirl and distributed by Grant Studios.


The kits come with all you need to complete the project, including a plastic needle. The only thing you need is a pair of scissors to cut the thread.


Each piece of felt comes pre printed and puched to make sewing easier.


The instruction leaflet is clear and simple to follow and older children could easily complete the projects on their own.


Step one line up the holes and start sewing.


We sewed half the cat and proceded to stuff it.  The best part was seeing the stuffing expand from it's vacuum packed bag!



Successfully completed Jess the cat.


There are four different kits available:

This craft was super easy and the best part was I did not need to be driving around to collect all sorts of bits and pieces and the pre punched pieces made sewing and lining up the bits easy.

I'm looking for easy projects to do with Sir N, any recommendations ?







Sunday 23 October 2011

Making your home a Haven

My hearts desire is to be a woman who builds her home and as part of this journey I have been encouraged by Courtney's Making your home a Haven challenge (Week 1). In her post Courtney describes two very different woman. These two woman challenged me to evaluate where I am at the moment and just what I was going to do to change where I am at to become the woman God has called me to be.

 Proverbs 14:1 Every wise woman builds her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands.

Definition of Wise: Properly, having knowledge; hence, having the power of discerning and judging correctly, or of discriminating between what is true and what is false; between what is fit and proper, and what is improper; as a wise prince; a wise magistrate, Discrete and judicious in the use or applications of knowledge; choosing laudable ends, and the best means to accomplish them. This is to be practically wise.

Courtney talked about two woman and listed 5 ways of a wise woman and here are some of my thoughts on those in her list. I was pleased with this list as it gave me something to think about.

 1. The woman of the home is engaged
I realise that this in not a true statement of me.  I have been else where in my thoughts and feelings as a result of no purpose.  Scripture is very clear about having a purpose and the consequences of not having one. 

2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

I often find myself off somewhere in my thoughts and life is happening around me and some times I have said yes to a child and been totally oblivious to what they just asked / told me. This week I have focused on been attentive not only to those speaking to me but to my own thoughts too.

2. The woman of the home is wise with her time management
Ephesians 5:16 says redeeming the time and again in Colossians 4:5 Behave yourselves wisely [living prudently and with discretion] in your relations with those of the outside world (the non-Christians), making the very most of the time and seizing (buying up) the opportunity.

My time management has definitely flown out of the window and as my Mom gently reminded me earlier this week a Stay At Home Mom needs to stay home in order to accomplish the tasks before her.  I certainly need more time at home to get my out of order home in order and running smoothly again.  My parents lived with us earlier this year and it was such a joy and privilege to see how diligently my mother works at home. Little did she know but I was closely watching in order to learn from her godly role model and practical know how.  Thanks to her I have gathered a few more skills along the way.

3. The woman of the home has a pleasant demeanor
My demeanor of late has been a very down cast one. I have been tired (my fault I know) and as a result I am purposing to go to bed earlier, work on my diet and create a Healthy Lifestyle for myself and my family. As a part of working towards this goal I am currently attending Healthy Lifestyle course at my church. 

My friend used to say to me " You need to be the thermostat in your home not the Thermometer!"  She was so right.  If I am being a thermometer I am reacting to what is going on around me, but if I am the thermostat I am setting the standard of the atmosphere around me.

Reba Bowman encourages woman to have sword friends rather than jelly friends based on Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron,    so one person sharpens another. The moral of her story is sword friends don't say what we want to hear but rather what we should hear and they encourage and build us up.  Conversely jelly friends just move with the latest trend and say what we want to hear. I realise that the quality of the company we keep definitely influences the thermostat of our demeanor.

4. The woman of the home is content
Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you,

This past year I had the opportunity to work as a Store Recovery Associate at Big W four evenings a week.  I thought that this is what I needed but my Lord knew me better than I knew myself and in His infinite patient way allowed me to start work in the evenings. A year later totally exhausted I am pleased for the experience has given me a reference point to know just how being home full time is a privilege and I need to be content with every part of it.  I need to choose to have a content attitude and not be looking at others.

5. The woman of the home prays
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18   16Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always); 17Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly]; 18Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will].

Two wonderful resources I have used in the past are from Stormie O'Martian who has written a number of prayer journals and the two which come to mind are: The Power of a Praying Wife and The Power of a Praying Parent. I love how Stormie encourages us to pray through scripture and she shows how to use scripture to pray over situations around our children, our spouses and our marriages.

Week Ones Challenge: Go buy an extra large candle and light a candle everyday in your home. I will be starting mine in the morning! But you can start yours at dinner time. Do what makes sense for your family. I will be placing mine in the kitchen – the main hub of my home. Each time the candle catches your eye, say a prayer for peace in your home.By Courtney at Woman Living Well

I chose not to use a candle but rather use the oil burner which I received from my family one Christmas. A friend of mine had given me some lavender essential oil which is great at calming the nervous system . I found that the smell also helped to remind me to pray.  It was great to have a small thing to do to start off making my home a haven. It helped me be more focused in praying through out my day for those in my care and in what I was doing to achieve my purpose. 

The week ahead:

Play soft music everyday in your home. Choose worship, classical or another form of peaceful music that the family enjoys. Focus on using peaceful words and maintaining peaceful relationships. Remind your family to avoid seething anger, tattling, criticism or back talk. As the wife/mother, work on gentleness this week.
For inspiration you can head on over to Courtneys post titled: Sing, Dance, Smile and Swoon - Have fun in your home

Focusing on peaceful words has reminded me of a few sessions we did at GEMS in Christchurch. One of them was titled Tongue and Tone. I will dig out my notes and put them up here later this week.

May the Lord bless your words this week may they be as apples of gold in settings of silver.


Two Blog Awards

Thank you so much to the two lovely ladies who blessed me with blog awards over the last few weeks.  You brought a smile to my heart. 

13 October 2011

Chelle from Last in Line presented me with a One Lovely Blog Award.  I love visiting Chelle firstly because in my heart I'm from New Zealand and her blog has some interesting things from home.  Secondly Chelle loves great books and shares her treasures with others. I am inspired in my home school journey when I read her blog.  She has generously shared / made pages to use with Notebooks and I aim to add this aspect to my home schooling with Sir N. Thank you for the window into your home school it encourages me.  Keep blogging. 

Here are the rules which I’ll tweak:

Snag the picture off my blog to use in your post, tell 7 things about yourself and then pass it on to 15 other bloggers. (I daren’t gift this on to 15 other blogs – wow, that’s a lot - that I follow since I’ve already hassled, umm – I mean invited, my blog pals to participate in a meme just last month.)

  1. I was born in South Africa
  2. I migrated / immigrated to New Zealand in 1997
  3. I naturalised and became a New Zealand citizen on 12 September 2001.
  4. I have lived on a game farm near Trackers (have a look at some photo's of the area at this web site) in South Africa for 5 years where I had giraffe, ostrich, hippo, etc for neighbours.
  5. I lived at Willowbank Wildlife Reserve in New Zealand for 3 years.
  6. I will be celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary next month.
  7. I love to cross stitch, scrapbook, build websites (Trackers is one of them)and blog.
 I’ll just choose 4 newer to blogging friends (who are welcome to reinvent the rules to suit themselves or decline - I've chosen to say "No thanks" a time or two when invited to participate in pass-it-forward awards - life just gets crunchy sometimes)

Alecat from Serenades and Solace
Amy from Raising Arrows
Belinda from Live Life with your Kids
Renelle from Dove's Rest

15 October 2011

Vicky from Creating with Wisdom and Victoria Leach - Portrait Art presented me with a Stylish blogger Award. I really enjoy Vicky's gentle heart and touch.  Her art touches me and I wish I could put pencil to paper this way and capture moments.  I settle for my camera. Vicky's blog is full of encouraging posts.  Thank you Vicky for sharing your heart your gentleness inspires me daily. Keep blogging and sharing.
First of all, I need to say seven things about myself - so, here goes:
  1. I love great fellowship and encouraging teaching.
  2. I love the Lord Jesus and pray my arrows will shoot true and straight from the Masters hand.
  3. I have three children and would love to have some more.
  4. I used to volunteer at 0800HUNGRY and wish that this concept could be implemented world wide.
  5. I am a full time Stay At Home Mother (SAHM)
  6. I am going to South Africa next year for a 10 year family reunion and my parents - in law's 50th Wedding Anniversary.
  7. I LOVE international travel and if I had the finance I would take my children and travel North America, Canada, Europe, Hawaii, Mauritius and a few other islands as well as Namibia, Botswana, Egypt and Australia.
Now, The six people I'd like to pass the award to are: (I need to bend the rules here sorry ladies)
 I pray you all have a great week ahead.


Saturday 22 October 2011

Treasured Moments 8

Do you find yourself falling into a pattern of daily grind, skipping the 'fun' activities because you don't have time or lack energy?Do creative arts, nature walks, drama, read aloud or spontaneous acts seem only a distant dream in your life?
Yet these Treasured Moments shared with loved ones uplift us, nurture our soul, remind us of the beauty and joy in our lives.
We want Treasured Moments for ourselves, for our children, for our families but how can we make it happen?
... Commitment ... Encouragement ... Support ... Ideas ... Plans.

I invite you to join us every Saturday and share your plans and ideas, your targets and goals and your stories ... your 'Treasured Moments'. In this way we may inspire one another, encourage ourselves and start achieving our dreams. Hosted by Erin at Seven Little Australians and Counting

My Treasured Moments this week are:
  1. Seeing Sir N make progress in his swimming lessons.
  2. Meeting a new home school mom who inspired me with her enthusiasm.
  3. Receiving two blog awards.  (Thank you Chelle from Last In Line and Vicky from Creating with Wisdom )
  4. Enjoying my first week at home in the evenings after a year of working as a Store Recovery Associate at Big W.
To join in you are welcome to add your post on Seven Little Australians and Counting (Treasured Moments 30) using the Mr. Linky form (please link to the individual post) and include a link back to Erins post. If you haven't a blog we would still love to hear your voice, just leave your stories in the comments.


Tuesday 18 October 2011

A Mother's Basket of Books.

I was over at Creating with Wisdom a few weeks ago and came across Vicky's Book Meme and really liked the idea of listing some of my favourite books.
Some of my book shelves.
These three bookshelves hold some extra special memories for me. I love books and op shopping for them is one of my favourite things to do. One of my biggest gripes has been that bookshelves waist space and they really aren't made well enough to hold books the shelves always seem to bow under the weight.  When we moved to Australia my Dad lovingly made these three for me and I LOVE the fact that they are custom to what I wanted. 

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Book Meme

It hasn't been long since the last homeschooling meme. But if you are a book loving mother and would like to join in with another... Read on...

There is something very special about introducing someone to a favourite book. I wonder: Will she like it as much as I do? Will I discover we are kindred spirit book lovers?

All this talk of books made me think: What would I put in my basket of favourite novels?  Perhaps I might include some of the following children's and adults books:

Favourite books of my childhood
Two from Galilee The Story of Mary & Joseph- Marjorie Holmes
Christians Journey - Christopher Wright
Christiana's Journey - Christopher Wright

(I was not an avid reader till I was in my teens so don't remember that many books. )

Favourite books I have enjoyed reading aloud to my children
Doctor Doolittle - Hugh Lofting
Mountain Born -Elizabeth Yates
The Wheel on the School - Meindert de Jong
Strawberry Girl - Lois Lenski
Charlottes Webb - E.B. White
The Witch of Blackbird Pond - Elizabeth George Speare
Target Earth - Christopher Wright
Christians Journey - Christopher Wright
Christiana's Journey - Christopher Wright
The Cat of Bubastes - G.A. Henty
The House of Sixty Fathers - Meindert de Jong
Kildee House - Rutherford George Montgomery
A Basket of Flowers - Christoph von Schmid
The Phantom Tollbooth - Jules Feiffer
Black Horses for the King - Anne McCaffrey
The Bronze Bow - Elizabeth George Speare
Katie and the Mona Lisa  - James Mayhew
Carry on Mr Bowditch - Jean Lee Latham

Books I am reading aloud at the moment
A hive of busy Bees

Favourite Teaching  books **
The Hope Chest a legacy of love - Rebekah Wilson
Charlotte Mason Companion - Karen Andreola
Things We Wish We'd Known - Compiled by Bill and Diana Waring
Beyond Survival -  Diana Warring
Reaping the Harvest - Diana Warring
Raising a Modern Day Knight -
Honey for a Child's Heart - Gladys Hunt
What the Bible says about Healthy Living - Rex Russel
Passion and Purity - Elizabeth Elliot
Disappointment with God - Philip yancey
Where is God when it hurts ? - Philip Yancey
Silent Grief - Hinton
Power of a Praying Parent - Stormie O'Martin
Power of a Praying Wife - Stormie O'Martin
Captivating - John and Staci Eldridge
A Full Quiver - Rick and Jan Hess 
The Five Love Languages - Gary Chapman
The Five Languages of Appology - Gary Chapman
Personality Plus - Florence Littaeur
Silver Boxes - Florence Littaeur
Prayer of Jabez -
A Life God Rewards - Bruce Wilkinson
Educating the WholeHearted Child - Clay and Sally Clarkson
Hairy Maclary - Lynley Dodd and any books by her.

Favourite True Stories **
I Dared to call Him Father - Sheikh
Ten Fingers for God the life and work of Dr Paul Brand - 
Alias Jungle Doctor
Jungle Calls - Ron Snell
Life is a Jungle- Ron Snell
There's a Jungle out there - Ron Snell
Life in spite of me - Kristen Jane Anderson

Favourite novels I’ve read
A voice in the Wind - Francine Rivers
An Echo in the Darkness - Francine Rivers
As sure as the Dawn - Francine Rivers
The Scarlet Thread - Francine Rivers
Moses - Ellen Gunderson Traylor
Joshua - Ellen Gunderson Traylor
This Present Darkness - Frank Peretti
Piercing the Darkness - Frank Peretti
The Left Behind Serries - Tim LaHaye and Jeffrey Jenkins

Authors I enjoy **
Wilbur Smith
Jeffrey Archer
Bryce Courtney
John Grisham
Clive Cussler
Francine Rivers
Ellen Gunderson Traylor

Novels I have recently enjoyed
False Impression - Jeffrey Archer
Cain and Able - Jeffrey Archer
Not a Penny more Not a penny less - Jeffrey Archer

Novels I am currently reading

No novels at present but I am reading:
GIFTS from the Hearth by Elizabeth R. Skoglund
For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaefer-McCauley
The Ministry of Motherhood - Sally Clarkson

(Although I enjoyed all these books and another mother might too, some of the books on my list are not suitable for children.)

There are so many other books I could include on my lists. This is only a sample. I wonder if you will find some of your old favourites here. Perhaps you will find something new you’d like to read.

Or perhaps you’d like to write your own lists and I will come and visit and share. Perhaps we will discover we are kindred spirits book lovers.

I hope the following people will share their favourite books.

Alecat from Serenades and Solace
Chelle from Last in Line
Erin from Seven Little Australians.  Found she has done hers already : My Book Love
Michelle from Homeschooling Downunder
And anyone else who'd like to share, please post your link in the comments section so I can come over and be inspired.

In Anticipation of reading more book Meme's

P.S. I have added a few extra questions in as it better suited my list and made for easier listing. I have marked them with **

To make it easier to post your Meme here are the questions:

Book Meme
It hasn't been long since the last homeschooling meme. But if you are a book loving mother and would like to join in with another... Read on...

There is something very special about introducing someone to a favourite book. I wonder: Will she like it as much as I do? Will I discover we are kindred spirit book lovers?

All this talk of books made me think: What would I put in my basket of favourite novels?  Perhaps I might include some of the following children's and adults books:

Favourite books of my childhood
Favourite books I have enjoyed reading
Favourite books I have enjoyed reading aloud to my children
Books I am reading aloud at the moment
Favourite Teaching  books **
Favourite True Stories **
Favourite novels I’ve read
Authors I enjoy **
Novels I have recently enjoyed
Novels I am currently reading

(Although I enjoyed all these books and another mother might too, some of the books on my list are not suitable for children.)

There are so many other books I could include on my lists. This is only a sample. I wonder if you will find some of your old favourites here. Perhaps you will find something new you’d like to read.

Or perhaps you’d like to write your own lists and I will come and visit and share. Perhaps we will discover we are kindred spirits book lovers.

I hope the following people will share their favourite books

Saturday 15 October 2011

New Beginings

It's been nearly a month since I first started this new venture.  I am pleased to be back.  I have been surfing some encouraging bloggers and discovered a new challenge for this month that fits in really well with another challenge I have take on for home and self.

Today is a new start for me.  Last year I had a serious moment of "The grass is greener" and decided to look for a part time position.  I have spent the last year working 12 hours a week in the evenings as a Store Recovery associate at Big W.  Well as my year progressed I found that I have become more and more exhausted and have been neglecting both my family and my home.  I finally reached breaking point last month and had a chat with Paul and together we talked about my goals and priorities.  He was very supportive of me resigning and being once again a full time SAHM (Stay At Home Mother).  I feel as though this HUGE weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Now here I am feeling as though so much is spinning out of control and all I want to do is step of the planet and stand still !  I have found a few helps in the blogging sphere that I feel will help me gain control in a number of areas of my life.  I would like to share them here with you and invite you to join me on the journey.

First on my list is:

I have purchased this and had every intention of starting this on the 1 October but unfortunately life happened and it was not to be.  How ever I intend to start on Monday and will be blogging about this journey over here.  I invite anyone out there to join me on the journey.

The title of the eBook is 31 Days to Clean - Having a Martha house the Mary way. This book has been written by Sarah Mae. Sarah has graciously provided a sample day (Day 1)
I have had some time to look over this resource and it is something that provides baby steps and heaps of encouragement.  I have decided rather than work on clean for 31 days straight I will be working my way through the book/challenges from Monday to Friday.

Once you have purchased the book there is also a reader only download page containing a wonderful page of video's to encourage you on your journey (Sample). These video's have been created by Jennifer Ross from Renewing Housewives. The book costs US $4-99 and can be purchased on line. There is also a table of contents for you to look over.


Today I discovered Courtney's blog called Women Living Well.  I am so pleased I stumbled across her little place in cyber space.  I have come away encouraged and inspired. Today I was reading about her 31 Day Fall Challenge - Making Your Home a Haven (for me it will be a spring challenge!)  

This challenge is NOT a daily challenge but rather a weekly challenge. 

As Courtney Blogs her way through her challenges I will share the links here and update regularly.

Third but definitely not last !

Last weekend along with some beautiful women from Suburban Baptist Church we started Healthy Lifestyle by Careforce Lifekeys. This is a ten week course which we have started a bit late in the year so in order to complete it before the Christmas break we did session one, two and three last weekend.  I came home refreshed and encouraged to take ownership of my health, what I eat and what form of exercise I choose to do. 

  • Session one was one which encouraged us to embrace life.
  • Session two was all about Getting into Physical Activity. Part of this challenge is to choose to do a little more activity each day.  For me I would like to start walking and build up my endurance and speed.  I need to have a look at my schedule and see what will work without detracting from the time my family needs.  Any ideas would be appreciated.
  • Session three looked at nutrition.  This is one in which there is nothing new but it was good to be reminded.    We also did a core training session using nothing but an exercise mat and a balance ball.  Really good workout.  I am sorry to report that no I have not repeated any of them this past week but this is something I am hoping to do at least twice a week.  However Sir N and I did get out and about on my bicycle and his tag along.
  • Tomorrow will be session four:  Introduction to weight training. 

Treasured Moments - 7

Do you find yourself falling into a pattern of daily grind, skipping the 'fun' activities because you don't have time or lack energy?Do creative arts, nature walks, drama, read aloud or spontaneous acts seem only a distant dream in your life?
Yet these Treasured Moments shared with loved ones uplift us, nurture our soul, remind us of the beauty and joy in our lives.
We want Treasured Moments for ourselves, for our children, for our families but how can we make it happen?
... Commitment ... Encouragement ... Support ... Ideas ... Plans.

I invite you to join us every Saturday and share your plans and ideas, your targets and goals and your stories ... your 'Treasured Moments'. In this way we may inspire one another, encourage ourselves and start achieving our dreams. Hosted by Erin at Seven Little Australians and Counting

My Treasured Moments this week are:

Today is a treasured moment.  Today I am once again a full time SAHM (Stay At Home Mother)  Last year I suffered a really bad "The grass is always greener" moment and applied for an evening position at Big W as a Store Recovery Associate.  I have since been working 12 hours a week.  As the year wore on I became more and more exhausted and started neglecting so many things that needed to be done around here.  Final straw for me was once I started home schooling Sir N and found I was not giving him 100% that I had a chat with Paul.  I am pleased for the experience has taught me the full value of the priviledge I have of staying home full time with my treasures.

Seeing Sir N climb up his first mountain. We went to Hanging Rock yesterday.

Seeing Sir N jump up and down in delight when I said we can take the tag along out and go for a cycle together. My goal now that I am home is to go out daily together and enjoy the outdoors.

Seeing Sir N land his first Rainbow trout when he went fishing with Paul at Hanging Rock yesterday.

Yay I finally found a moment to work on GEMS 2 TOTS today and am really looking forward to investing in this blog.  Pop on over and share some of your thoughts.

To join in you are welcome to add your post on Seven Little Australians and Counting using the Mr. Linky form (please link to the individual post) and include a link back to Erins post. If you haven't a blog we would still love to hear your voice, just leave your stories in the comments.


Thursday 13 October 2011

Making a Volacano

In our home school we have been reading about Volcano's and decided to make one out of plaster of Paris from a kit I purchased from ALDI.

Sir N and our kit.

Contents of our kit. Great easy to follow instructions.

Putting the elastics on to hold the pieces together.

Plaster of Paris ready to mix.

Poured the mixture into the mold.
I got a little bit of a start as it started pouring out the sides but no fear there was enough and it soon stopped oozing.  I am grateful Paul was home when we did this as I would have waited too long before pouring the mix into the mold.  If you wait too long then you get a lot of bubbles in the mix you can't get out, it needs to be runny when you pour it in.  I also thought I had used too much water but that was not the case. We left it on the bench for about four hours and then ....
One volcano we had!

We waited for about a week before we attempted to paint it. This step was more time consuming than I had anticipated so I helped Sir N.  I think in hind sight I should have taken out the poster paint and thicker brushes.  Older sister came to the rescue and provided us with glitter glue pens which Sir N thoroughly enjoyed applying to this volcano.

The instructions say to mix paint, vinegar and dish liquid for red coloured eruption.  I was disappointed with the chemical reaction this had. (I have since learned that you need to mix food colouring, dish liquid and baking soda then add vinegar for a red eruption, we had mixed the paint, dish liquid and vinegar) So we tried again this time with baking soda and vinegar and that was much better. You could hear the bubbles forming and popping.  It was so much fun.

Baking Soda, poster paint (it's better to use food colouring)
dish liquid and vinegar.

Sir N's volcano and city.

Adding vinegar to the baking soda.

1*2*3 Success

We had lots of fun doing this.  You do not need a kit to do the same with your children.  You can accomplish the same thing using a water tight jar of some kind (plastic, metal or glass).  Put it down build up some soil around it, make your city etc then add baking soda, food colouring and dish liquid and mix in the jar.  Slowly add vinegar and watch the eruption. 


Tuesday 11 October 2011

Tuesdays Treasure - 14

This week at the Plaza I noticed that they started putting out the Christmas decorations (a little early to my way of thinking!) which got me thinking that I wanted to share with you some of the books we use at Advent with our family in case you wanted to purchase them to bless your family before Advent begins on 27 November 2011.

Personally I love Advent as it is an opportunity to take all the commercialism out of the Christmas Season and a time to build family traditions and memories.  I love that it is an opportunity to pass on traditions to my children and to create traditions using the colours of Advent.  More on this next month ........

Jotham's Journey

  • Author: Arnold Ytreeide
  • Format: Paperback
  • Number of Pages: 168
  • Vendor: Kregel Kidzone
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Dimensions: 9.25 X 8.50 (inches)
  • ISBN: 0825441749
  • ISBN-13: 9780825441745
  • Ages: 8-12
  • Series: Family Story for Advent

About 11 years ago I first read about Jotham's Journey on the Sonlight Forum in the lead up to Christmas.  I was looking for something different to do that would enrich our family.  There were a few positive comments and some negative but I decided to take the plunge and purchase a copy (which is now falling apart with use) I must confess this is by far the BEST advent story book I have ever purchased.  Every year we talk about it and we read it for a couple of years in a row until I purchased the next two books in the trilogy: Bartholomew's Passage and Tabitha's Travels. We now read one of the books each year starting at Advent.  I love Advent Wreathes and Jesse Tree's and look forward to sharing our stories with you this coming November and December.

A few of the book sites have listed this book for 4-8 year olds and I disagree with this evaluation as the story is quite in depth and needs children to be older for them to appreciate the content.  There are quite a few frightening happenings that young children should not go to bed thinking about (such as when Jotham's is kidnapped by .... (better not let the cat out the bag here LOL)) We tried reading Jotham's Journey with Sir N last year but he was too little to understand.

To obtain the full pleasure of the trilogy you need to read Jotham's Journey first.  The other two books can be read in any order. Each book comes with a chapter explaining Advent Wreathes and traditions.  The back of the book has a calendar giving the dates of Advent for the next 10+ years.  Each evening you light the candle on the Advent Wreath and then read the story.  (We share out a holiday lollie that we only eat at Advent) At the end of each chapter there is a focus on Jesus page with scripture and a prayer.

I found some great information on how and why Jotham's Journey was written

Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 168
Vendor: Kregel Kidzone
Publication Date: 2009
Dimensions: 9.25 X 8.50 (inches)
ISBN: 0825441730
ISBN-13: 9780825441738
Ages: 8-12

Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 160
Vendor: Kregel Publications
Publication Date: 2010
Dimensions: 9.25 X 8.50 (inches)
ISBN: 0825441722
ISBN-13: 9780825441721

These books are currently on sale at Christian Book.com and they are also available at Amazon.com where you can take a sneak peek inside as well as from The Book Depository and in Australia from Koorong.

Which are some of your favourite books for Advent ?


Edited 12/10/2011

Thank you Erin from Seven Little Australians who recommended I take a look at Aussie Book Threads where she has a special section of  Advent / Christmas list of picture books and chapter books. Take a look and see if you can find something for Advent that would suite your children's ages.

This post is linked to Favourite Resources Link Up Party over at  Learning All The Time