Thursday 5 August 2021

Quintessentially Homeschool

Welcome to week 18 of  Blogging Through the Alphabet 2021.  This week Desiree is sharing Q is for quit. I'm so sorry my post is up late today! I saw the following on a friends wall on Facebook and thought I could not have said it any better.  Today's word for the letter Q is Quinessentially!  The first time I heard this word was in a writting class taught by Andrew Pudewa and I've loved it ever since. 

Define Quintessential: representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class 

The truth is that: 

Homeschool is calm. It’s quiet. Homeschool is loud. It’s messy.
Homeschool is a kid showered and dressed for the day.
Homeschool is a kid still in pajamas at lunch.
Homeschool is coordinating folders and notebooks.
Homeschool is broken pencils and worn binders.
Homeschool is a thoughtful production.
Homeschool is a train wreck.
Homeschool is a clean workspace.
Homeschool is a cluttered table.
Homeschool is co-op groups and field trips.
Homeschool is seclusion and not leaving the house for days.
Homeschool is music and laughter.
Homeschool is a failed test and anger.
Homeschool is met with approval.
Homeschool is misunderstood.
Homeschool is grading papers.
Homeschool is hiding in the bathroom.
Homeschool is wrapped up by noon.
Homeschool is still going strong after dinner.
Homeschool is Mary Poppins.
Homeschool is Cruella de Vil.
Homeschool is a carefully planned meal and gathering around the table.
Homeschool is a Hot Pocket at their desk.
Homeschool is costly materials.
Homeschool is alphabet magnets and free printables.
Homeschool is more time with your kids.
Homeschool is more time with your kids.


What are some of YOUR favourite parts of Homeschooling ?


Find the other ABC posts in this series here:

  1. A is for Art Lessons at Home
  2. B is for Books Where do You Purchase Yours? 
  3. Charlotte Mason a Round Up of Posts 
  4. Delight Directed Education
  5. Encouragement for Weary Homeschooling Mothers
  6. For the Children's Sake  
  7. G is for Geography
  8. Homeschool Bloggers  
  9. Instagramers to follow who are homeschooling
  10. Joy in Your Homeschool Journey
  11. Know Yourself - Stop the Comparison Game  
  12. Life Skills in Your Homeschool
  13. Math Resource for Home Education
  14. Netflix in Your Homeschool
  15. Olympics 2021
  16. P is for Podcasts  
  17. Quintessentially Homeschool

Featured from last week the letter P...

This Week over at Our Homeschool Notebook the topic is Q is for quit


Please link up your posts starting with the letter Q for this weeks ABC Blogging




  1. I love that! And, I learned a new word. Quintessentially. Actually, I've heard that word before, but never really knew what it meant. Now it makes sense!

  2. Homeschool is the hardest thing you'll ever do. Homeschool is the easiest thing you'll ever do.

    I adore this list and it is spot on.

  3. Of course, I love the last two lines, but how true with the Hotpockets at their desks. Wonderful list.


I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥