Thursday, 10 June 2021

Joy in Your Homeschool Journey

I can't believe it's week 11 of Blogging through the Alphabet 2021! Thank you to everyone who has been joining int the fun each week.  This week we are looking at the letter J and how to find Joy in your Homeschool Journey. My co-host Desiree will be blogging about J is for Jurassic in her alphabet lego series.

I had been homeschooling for around two years and was feeling like I was living in survival mode and begining to loose my joy in homeschooling.  I had taken on far too many expectations from others upon myself and had lost sight of the road.   

The year 2000 saw me introduced me to the wonderful Waring Family who were touring New Zealand sharing Beyond Survival with us.  Oh I am so glad I attended this home school seminar.  Diana is an enthusiastic encourager and her family were an inspiration and encouragement to keep schooling through the high school years. Diana's passion and Bills gentle encouragement recharged my batteries.

It was Diana who inspired me to get Beyond Survival in my homeschooling and enjoy the abundance the lifestyle has to offer.  At this conference I learned about learning and teaching styles and the impact this has on our school at home how it causes a lot of frustration both for the teacher and student and it did not have to.  

Arm yourself with this treasure from Diana and discover some excellent tools for your homeschool today. This book is available from: The Book Depository and Amazon.

I discovered that Diana has uploaded an encourageing clip on YouTube called Getting Beyond Survival in Homeschooling, here it is for you to enjoy

About the Author

Diana Waring is the author of Beyond Survival, Reaping the Harvest and Diana Waring’s History Revealed world history curriculum. You can find out more about this at Diana Waring Education that's Relational.

She discovered years ago that “the key to education is relationship.” Beginning in the early ’80s, Diana homeschooled her children through high-school—the real life opportunities to learn how kids learn. Mentored by educators whose focus was honoring Him who created all learners, and with an international background (born in Germany, university degree in French, lifelong student of world history),

Diana cares about how people learn as well as what they learn. Audiences on four continents have enthusiastically received her energetic speaking style.

For those of you who would like to know more about Diana you can read a full author interview over at  Ben and Me. 

Connect with Diana on Social Media

What are your recommendations for finding JOY in your Homeschool?



Find the other ABC posts in this series here:

  1. A is for Art Lessons at Home
  2. B is for Books Where do You Purchase Yours? 
  3. Charlotte Mason a Round Up of Posts 
  4. Delight Directed Education
  5. Encouragement for Weary Homeschooling Mothers
  6. For the Children's Sake  
  7. G is for Geography
  8. Homeschool Bloggers  
  9. Instagramers to follow who are homeschooling

Featured from Week 9 all things 'I'

 This Week over at Our Homeschool Notebook the topic is J is for Jurassic


Please link up your posts starting with the letter J for this weeks ABC Blogging.


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  1. It's easy to lose sight of the joy homeschooling can bring. I know I am constantly looking for ways to bring it back into our days. Looks like an interesting book!

    Oh, and my ABC post is J is for Jurassic! Sorry I didn't get info to you on time!

  2. This was a timely reminder for me to find the joy in my own homeschooling journey. There are some days - especially with everything else I have going on - that I am not finding the joy. Thank you.

  3. It is soooo easy to lose the joy of the moment. I'm glad there are resources and speakers out there who remind us of this topic.


I love to hear from you so please leave your comments below ♥