Showing posts with label Diana Waring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diana Waring. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Joy in Your Homeschool Journey

I can't believe it's week 11 of Blogging through the Alphabet 2021! Thank you to everyone who has been joining int the fun each week.  This week we are looking at the letter J and how to find Joy in your Homeschool Journey. My co-host Desiree will be blogging about J is for Jurassic in her alphabet lego series.

I had been homeschooling for around two years and was feeling like I was living in survival mode and begining to loose my joy in homeschooling.  I had taken on far too many expectations from others upon myself and had lost sight of the road.   

The year 2000 saw me introduced me to the wonderful Waring Family who were touring New Zealand sharing Beyond Survival with us.  Oh I am so glad I attended this home school seminar.  Diana is an enthusiastic encourager and her family were an inspiration and encouragement to keep schooling through the high school years. Diana's passion and Bills gentle encouragement recharged my batteries.

It was Diana who inspired me to get Beyond Survival in my homeschooling and enjoy the abundance the lifestyle has to offer.  At this conference I learned about learning and teaching styles and the impact this has on our school at home how it causes a lot of frustration both for the teacher and student and it did not have to.  

Arm yourself with this treasure from Diana and discover some excellent tools for your homeschool today. This book is available from: The Book Depository and Amazon.

I discovered that Diana has uploaded an encourageing clip on YouTube called Getting Beyond Survival in Homeschooling, here it is for you to enjoy

About the Author

Diana Waring is the author of Beyond Survival, Reaping the Harvest and Diana Waring’s History Revealed world history curriculum. You can find out more about this at Diana Waring Education that's Relational.

She discovered years ago that “the key to education is relationship.” Beginning in the early ’80s, Diana homeschooled her children through high-school—the real life opportunities to learn how kids learn. Mentored by educators whose focus was honoring Him who created all learners, and with an international background (born in Germany, university degree in French, lifelong student of world history),

Diana cares about how people learn as well as what they learn. Audiences on four continents have enthusiastically received her energetic speaking style.

For those of you who would like to know more about Diana you can read a full author interview over at  Ben and Me. 

Connect with Diana on Social Media

What are your recommendations for finding JOY in your Homeschool?



Find the other ABC posts in this series here:

  1. A is for Art Lessons at Home
  2. B is for Books Where do You Purchase Yours? 
  3. Charlotte Mason a Round Up of Posts 
  4. Delight Directed Education
  5. Encouragement for Weary Homeschooling Mothers
  6. For the Children's Sake  
  7. G is for Geography
  8. Homeschool Bloggers  
  9. Instagramers to follow who are homeschooling

Featured from Week 9 all things 'I'

 This Week over at Our Homeschool Notebook the topic is J is for Jurassic


Please link up your posts starting with the letter J for this weeks ABC Blogging.


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Encouragement for Homeschool Mom's

Be encouraged, friends 
Download your Encouragement for Homeschool Moms Collection
a FREE GIFT from Diana (through July 31).

I love this set. It's worth it's weight in GOLD.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Experience History Through Music {Review}

A few years ago I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting Diana Waring and her amazing family over in New Zealand.  In fact the whole family blessed our home education community with a weekend long home education conference. Diana, Bill and their children shared insights to get Beyond Survival in our homeschooling experiences. It was the very first home school conference I ever attended.  Over the years I have been encouraged and inspired by Diana and Bill and was really excited to hear that Experiencing History Through Music was coming back into publication!

The Experiencing History Through Music series was the first curriculum series that Diana produced back in the early 90's.  The series was born out of her convention workshops in 1989. Sometime in the mid 90's this curriculum went out of publication due to a series of unfortunate events and seemed to have been lost for good.  Unbeknown to Diana the Lord had been working to bring about restoration and making a way for it to be restored. You can read the full story of how it all came together over at Diana's blog.

The time has now come and all THREE books have been updated been reprinted.  All three CD's have been digitally remastered and are now available for purchase!  I have had the privileged to be a part of a group of wonderful home school families that have been using the books and CD's over the last month. 

What we received

  • Experience History Through Music contains 3 book/CD sets. As the name of this series implies, these book and CD sets allow you to Experience History Through Music
  • Each title contains one book and one CD. The pages of the books hold dozens of historical pictures; bright and interesting stories connecting each of the songs to its moment in history, even sheet music and chord charts! 
  • The CDs are rousing , professional recordings that draw in all listeners. The two combine for fond memories and a grand, knee-slapping good time.

How we used it

Recently Sir N and I have been thoroughly enjoying The Little House book series via audio book from our local library.  It's been so much fun to listen to the families adventures and learn about all the amazing skills that Pa and Ma had.  Wow they did some amazing things on their ten year pioneering move across the USA.  The particular audio books we are listening to have had someone play the fiddle at each part of the book that describes Pa playing his fiddle.

When our books arrived we decided to work our way through Musical Memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Oh my we have had such a wonderful time exploring.


  • The book is a softcover.
  • 56 pages
  • Written and Edited by William Anderson
  • Photographs by Leslie A. Kelly
  • ISBN 978-1-930514-49-2
  • Covers 13 songs (see a list here)
  • Back ground stories to each song along with photograph
  • Sheet music for each song


The CD comes in a plastic sleeve which is glued into the back of the cover of the book. This is a good thing so that the CD and book stay together and there is no risk of me misplacing them!  The beautiful music on the CD has been digitally remastered and is excellent quality.  You can here the words clearly on each song.  We took this CD in the car to listen to while running errands and listened to it at home while doing chores or just simply visiting with friends.  Sir N's favourite track is track number one: Wait for the Wagon. He has enjoyed the music so much he has asked me to add it to his iPod shuffle.

We took some time each week to look up the back story for each piece of music.  Here is a sample from Wait for the Wagon.  Each back story is approximately five minutes of reading and gives you some interesting information on the topic at hand.  The photographs enrich all the stories and take you on a journey to the time of Laura and her family.  There are photographs of paintings, historical buildings, homesteads, historical photographs and family photographs. It's been good to see the actual people from the books and samples of the things spoken about in the books.

All three books from the series follow the same format as Musical Memories of Laura Ingals Wilder.  One of the neat things about the back stories is being able to answer Sir N's questions about the songs.  Instead of saying I don't know I now say lets look it up!

  • America  $18.99
  • Westward Ho! $18.99
  • Musical Memories of Laura Ingals Wilder $18.99
Deal alert!
Hurry…this deal ends July 31.

About the Author
Diana Waring is the author of Beyond Survival, Reaping the Harvest and Diana Waring’s History Revealed world history curriculum.

She discovered years ago that “the key to education is relationship.” Beginning in the early ’80s, Diana homeschooled her children through high-school—the real life opportunities to learn how kids learn. Mentored by educators whose focus was honoring Him who created all learners, and with an international background (born in Germany, university degree in French, lifelong student of world history),

Diana cares about how people learn as well as what they learn. Audiences on four continents have enthusiastically received her energetic speaking style.

For those of you who would like to know more about Diana you can read a full author interview over at Crystal Starr and Ben and Me. 

Connect with Diana

Facebook Google+ Pinterest Twitter RSS Feed

What we thought
We are thoroughly enjoying our Experience of History Through Music! We have grown a love for and appreciation for life in days gone by.  The books and songs have enriched our lives beyond measure.  I have been delightfully surprised at how many of the songs I know from singing them in my childhood.  I am delighting in watching Sir N enjoying learning the songs and  snuggling on the couch together reading about the stories behind the songs that we are now learning.


Thank you Diana for blessing our family with this wonderful resource and giving us an oportunity to review these products.

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Diana and Friends Experience History Through Music Giveaway $700+ Value!

As some of you know I'm a huge fan of Diana Waring's curriculum and resources. I have had the wonderful privileged of attending three of her seminars over the years and have read two of her home school Mom's books (What We Wish We had Known and Beyond Survival) In fact both these books live on my office table and they are a part of my top 4 recommended books for new and veteran homeschool Mothers.

When I heard that Diana was releasing an Experience History Though Music set of books I couldn't wait to see them. I have had the amazing privilege of joining a group of home school mothers who have been using these three excellent book and CD sets and will be reviewing them at the end of the month.

They could not have come at a better time. Sir N and I have just finished listening to the audio book Little House in the Big Woods and have been listening to Musical Memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Diana Waring

To celebrate the release of Experience History Through Music, I am joining members of the Diana Waring Launch Team for an amazing giveaway. Friends of Diana have joined in and as you can see, someone's homeschool is going to be greatly blessed!

Here's what you could win!

From Diana Waring Presents

american history -- never this fun
Experience History Through Music – set of 3 books with CDs ($50/set) Diana Waring Presents is about to bring back into print the BEST folk music you have ever heard, combined with the fascinating stories they represent in American history!   The Experience Music Through Historyseries includes: America - Heart of a New Nation, Westward Ho! - Heart of the Old West  and Musical Memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder. The musicians are amazing, every instrument is real, lots of great vocalists, and more toe-tapping music than you can imagine! The books tell the stories behind the songs.  Together, they bring American history to life through it’s music!!With fascinating history books and toe-tapping folk music CDs, American history has NEVER been this fun!

Encouragement for Homeschool Moms Collection ($25) Every mom needs that word of encouragement from someone who has been there, who has grownup children and can speak with assurance about the journey. Homeschool moms have an extra portion of the journey to navigate, and often wish for an extra voice that will offer direction but without nagging or prodding. Diana Waring has that voice.

From A Journey Through Learning

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$50 Gift Certificate $50 to spend in the A Journey Through Learning store, applicable toward any digital download purchase.

From Homeschool Legacy

westward ho I 300x400
Westward Ho! Part I ($19.95) Load up your wagon! Discover the extraordinary times of adventurous frontiersmen and brave pioneers as you travel cross-country along the Erie Canal,  Oregon Trail, and even “remember the Alamo” in Westward Ho Part I.

Westward Ho! Part II ($19.95) Continue the exciting saga begun in Westward Ho! Part I as you journey with the forty-niners, ride the rails of the Transcontinental Railroad, experience life on the prairie, and discover the exciting era of cowboys and cattle drives in Westward Ho! Part II.

From Knowledge Quest Maps

Map Trek: Atlas and Outline Maps of World History ($55) Map Trek is a historical atlas plus outline maps that allow you to teach geography alongside history. This is a resource that any homeschool parent can use with brilliant success, even if you don’t remember a thing from your history or geography classes in public school.

From Home School Adventure Co. 

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Philosophy Adventure™ Digital Download ($39.95) Philosophy Adventure™ is designed to help students 6th-12th grade cultivate and defend a biblical worldview by teaching them how to write skillfully, think critically, and speak articulately as they explore the history of ideas.

From Heidi St. John (The Busy Mom and Real Life Press)

Firmly Planted Family Devotional Digital Volume 3 ($39) The Firmly Planted Family Series is divided into ten-week studies and is your key to making sense of the Bible—even if you’re learning right along with your children. Each lesson provides a core idea, a simple narrative, memory verses and discussion questions for children of all ages. And the companion student workbook is filled with age-appropriate, full-color, reproducible activities for children of any age!

From Raising Real Men

Free Registration to Boyhood Boot Camp or Boot Camp 9-12 LIVE webinar series (winner’s choice) plus Mom & Dad Special Raising Real Men (Book for Mom to read in the bathroom + AudioBook for Dad to listen to on the commute) ($62-69)

  Free Registration for Marriage Retreat Online plus His & Hers Special of My Beloved and My Friend: How To Be Married To Your Best Friend Without Changing Spouses (book + audiobook), ($65)

From Institute for Excellence in Writing

$50 Gift Certificate $50 to spend in the IEW store, applicable toward any purchase.

From The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

ST-Affiliate-300x300_zpsb38aa8ae ($139) A one year membership to the curriculum arm of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Nearly 100 classes for Pre-K to High School, taught by expert teachers, and lots of extras including the Schoolhouse Planners, Schoolhouse Expos, monthly free ebook downloads and more.

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine 2014 Print Book ($15) Be encouraged, enlightened, and educated with the all new 2014 Annual Print Book published by The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.You’ll get a year’s worth of homeschool support in almost 300 pages in this full color one-of-a-kind print magazine for homeschoolers, by homeschoolers. This is a magazine you’ll refer to again and again.

From Writing with Sharon Watson

the-power-in-your-hands-front-cover 69276_1454187188126914_157492202_n

The Power in Your Hands ($53.96) With The Power in Your Hands: Writing Nonfiction in High School, they’ll learn what they need to know for high school and will be prepared for college writing.

Writing Fiction [in High School] ($35) Are you raising the next C. S. Lewis or Jane Austen? Help your students develop their fiction-writing talents with Writing Fiction [In High School]: Bringing Your Stories to Life .


To enter the giveaway, use the Rafflecopter below. Residents of the U.S., age 18 and older only. Other Terms and Conditions can be found in the Rafflecopter.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

A special collection of Encouragement for Homeschool Mothers - Giveaway {Review}

Meet one of my home school mentor friends: Diana Waring.  I met Diana and her wonderful family when they first toured New Zealand in 2000.  We were blessed and encouraged beyond measure.  Over the years Diana has shared her wisdom and encouragement with me and I've had the privilege of attending three home school conferences with her as the Keynote speaker (twice in New Zealand and once in Australia)Diana is also a Schoolhouse Teacher.

Diana has put together a collection of titles that will inspire, encourage and equip you as a home school mom on this journey. Being a homeschool mom means you will have those days when you feel inadequate and this is the perfect solution to having a cup of tea with Diana and being encouraged. She has put together a wonderful resource an eBook and four audio's that are timeless. When you load the audio into iTunes Diana has named each section of her talk so finding a specific part is super easy.

The Encouragement for Homeschool Mom's Collection contains
  • An eBook with eight articles (over 40 pages)
  • (Audio)Beyond Survival Workshop { real solutions to help moms move beyond the most common issues}
  • (Audio)Box-Free Living {overcoming perfectionism} 
  • (Audio)Roots {Good character thrives in the right environment, and Diana helps moms discover how to create that environment in their homes.} 
  • (Audio)Wings {Diana walks you through the struggle with letting go}
Diana's Audio workshops retail at $9-95 each The audios alone are a value of  $39-95! So this set is an excellent saving for you and you will use it time and time again on your homeschool journey.

This pack is available for purchase over at Diana for $25 

Here is a taste of Diana's encouragement and teaching

Diana has donated ONE pack for you to win.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this product Diana Waring in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. 

Enter this draw for your chance to win a FREE pack from Diana it will be an encouragement to you for years to come.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway Terms and Conditions:
  • This giveaway is offered worldwide, to anyone with Internet access.
  • The give away will commence at 10 AM Australian EST time on Thursday 18 April and be open until midnight Wednesday 24 April, 2013. Winner will be announced by Monday 29 April, 2013
  • There is one prize pack consisting of The Encouragement for Homeschool Moms Collection.
  • A download link will be emailed to you upon your acceptance of this gift.
  • Prize can not be exchanged for money
  • No purchase necessary to win.
  • Giveaways are held with Rafflecopter; commenting will not enter you.
  • Winners are chosen by through Rafflecopter
  • Must be 18 years of age or older at time of entry.
  • If prize winner forfeits or does not claim the prize, prize will be re-awarded at my sole discretion. 
  • Void where prohibited by law. 
  • Please leave a way for me to contact you in your entry otherwise another winner will be chosen
  • This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with, Facebook. 
  • Odds of winning based on number of entries.
  • By entering this contest, you agree to release Every Bed of Roses and all associated parties/sponsors of any liability.
  • Winners will be announced in a Giveaway Post 
  • It is your responsibility to check the current price of any items before purchasing. 
  • Non of the links in this post are affiliate links. 

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Tuesday Treasure {25} - Things we wish we'd known

 Welcome to Tuesdays Treasures.  I started these posts as a way of sharing great books in honour of my friend in New Zealand who would arrive with the treasures she had unearthed at her weekly trip to the library!

There are so many wonderful books out there hiding on shelves so I invite you to blog about a book on your shelf, one you're reading or one you found at the library and add your post to Learning All the Time Favourite Resource Link Up

This week ...
Today's resource is one for the mothers, it's a compilation of letters by 50 veteran homeschoolers all sharing what the one thing is they wish they had known when they started home educating. Q: Who do parents turn to with questions aout homeschooling, whether they're novices, long-timers, or just testing the waters? A: Experienced homeschoolers. Who better to answer the questions arising from any serious endeavor than those who have been there, done that, and found a better way?

50 Veteran Homeschoolers share ...

  • Format: Paperback
  • Number of Pages: 232
  • Vendor:  Publishers YWAM USA
  • Publication Date: 2001
  • ISBN: 1-883002-42-7
  • Author Compiled & Edited by Bill & Diana Waring
  • Illustrator: N/A
This book is worth it's weight in gold and I recommend it to any homeschooler whether they are new to homeschooling or been on the journey for fifteen years this is a gold mine of encouragement and insight in one book.

The book is divided into 6 parts
  • The Basics - Keeping the fun in it
  • The Concepts - Redefining the 3 R's, Curriculum: tool or tyrant?
  • The Priorities - You can't do it all and don't have to
  • God's Involvement - Home educating for eternity
  • Character and Academics - Developing the worker and the tools
  • The Blessings - Homeschooling pieces our hearts together, and much, much more

The book is available for purchase from:
** These are NOT affiliate links

Sunday, 5 June 2011

It's Official

It's official my baby rose Mr N turned six yesterday.  I so enjoyed watching him build his LEGO sets, share time with family and celebrate his special day.

Here in Victoria Australia from the age of six all students need to be registered at either a government school, a private school or as a homeschool student.  We filled in the  official form last week and mailed it to Victorian Registrations & Qualifications Authority.

The act of sending off this form has had me re-reading long lost treasures on my bookshelf and re-evaluating my how's, and why's to what I want to be doing this year.

I have been looking over my Sonlight Curriculum PDF catalogue (55 MB) refreshing my memory of the treasures lurking on my bookshelves that I used 12 years ago with Rose One and Two when I started out and generally trying to organize my thoughts and plans for the year ahead.

I thought I would share one of the books I treasure:

Things We Wish We'd Known 
Compiled & Edited by Bill & Diana Waring

This book is like having a private cup of tea with one of 50 veteran homeschoolers. 

The book is divided into six parts: 
  • The Concepts
  • The Basics
  • The Priorities
  • God's Involvement
  • Christian Character
  • The Blessings 
The back of the book is fully indexed containing a list of the contributors, their email addresses, websites and a short write up about each company / homeschool family.  

It's a real treasure trove of encouragement, tried and true words of wisdom from pioneering homeschool families from around the globe.
You can find this book at Diana Waring Presents and if you would like to read Diana's introduction you can go here
For a look at the contents page you can go to Table of Contents and for a sneak peak you can go to Featured excerpt from Things we wish we'd known

Till next time
Officially beginning our journey for the THIRD time

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Are you getting filled up because you are pouring out ....

As some of you may know I have been at a ladies retreat this past weekend.  One of the questions Reba asked us was:  "Are you getting filled up because you are pouring out ?"
This question really impacted me. It was one of those Ah ha moments.
 I have been feeling very 'flat' of late and life was starting to become flatter by the day. I was generally  living in survival mode.  I should know better since I often ask my circle of homeschool mothers "What are you doing daily to recharge yourselves ?" Yet somehow in the busyness of life I had forgotten to apply to myself what I was encouraging my friends to do.  Even my precious Mother had been asking me.  "When are you going to slow down ???"


Karen Andreola introduced me to: Mother Culture (Trade Marked and Registered to Karen Andreola) Mothers should cultivate their souls so that in turn they may cultivate the souls of their children.

In Chapter 46 Karen expounds on the how's and why's of Mother Culture. Here is a snippet to whet your appetite for this wonderful resource.

"Is it a wonder she feels overspent?  She wears herself out. In her efforts to be dietitian, laundress, nurse, hostess, teacher, taxi driver, wife, mother, and mistress, she forgets that she needs a little time for herself.  And it is then that she stops growing spiritually and mentally,  Physically she feels ragged and drags through the day until without being able to mark the hour it befan, she lives with depression. Her mind is in a drifting fog when she wants it to think clearly and efficiently. With the distractions of her multi-faceted duties she is unable to follow a train of thought. She considers herself hompelessly behind in everything.  Her feet are in the quagmire. It takes an incredible amount of effort to keep up appearances, to wear a winsome countenance.  The last straw is the guilt she feels that she is "lukewarm" in the Lord. If I hadn't experienced these symptoms myself I wouldn't be writing this chapter.  Therefore I can validate the need for Mother Culture." - Karen Andreola

This was the third homeschool book I ever invested in.  It is one of my favourite treasure troves.  I often pick this book up. Whenever I need some clarification on how something works or the practicle application of a certain aspect of homeschooling such as the how and why of Narration this is the book I turn to.  Karen has done such a wonderful job in opening her home and allowing us in to see how to do something and why she is doing it.  The book is full of beautiful line drawings from a bygone era which evokes a feeling and appreciation for the wonderful opportunity I have as a Mother who has the awesome priviledge of staying home full time and educating my children.

You can read more about Mother Culture Here or if you would like to read Karen's blog you can go to

A Charlotte Mason Companion is available from, , and for a look inside you can go to


A few years into my homeschool journey I met Diana Waring at a homeschool conference in Christchurch, New Zealand. 

Diana has written a wonderful book titled: Beyond Survival.  As you can see from the state of the cover of my book it is a well loved book in my home. 

This book contains many wondeful chapters to equip you on your homeschool journey.  It is divided into three parts: The Preparation, The Journey and The Abundance.  Within these you will find information on learning and teaching styles, Learning together, Creating an atmosphere, The tools, The Materials, to name but a few. 

For a look at the table of Contents go Here

If you would like to read Cathy Duffy's  foreword you can go Here

This book is available from and .


I have just received
The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson in the mail.  What a wonderful book.  I am really looking forward to reading this treasure.

Here is what it says on the back:  Because Motherhood Isn't Just a Job. It's a Calling. 

A mother's day is packed with a multitude of tasks that require energy and time: preparing meals, wahsing clothes, straightening and cleaning the house, and carinf for chidlren. These jobs all are necessary and crucially important. But in the dailyness of providing for a child's physical, emotional, and social needs, vital opportunities for spiritual nurturing and training can be overlooked.

Rather than letting the demands of life determine your parenting priorities, you can focus your energy on what matters most. In this encouraging and empowering book you'll learn how to .......
  • make life's mundane and nitty-gritty moments work for you and not against you.
  • incorporate character-building as a natual part of life
  • teach your child in the same way Jesus taught the disciples
  • pass on crucial fits that will serve your family for a lifetime.
This book is available from,,  or

For those of you wanting to read Sally's blog you can find her at I take Joy and on Facebook.


Currently Good Morning Girls is using this book for their Book Club  and working their way through it week by week.  You can download a weekly S.O.A.P (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer point) page to use alongside the book from Here.  or you can join the Facebook group Here

I found a wonderful blog page at and for those of you who are keen to partake in a forum while reading the book you can find one at  Homeschool Creations Community

I am looking forward to 'getting filled up' over the next few weeks.   :)  Till next time my friends take care