Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

One Minute's Silence by David Metzenthen

In a weeks time it will be Rememberance Day or sometimes locally known as Poppy Day in Australia and New Zealand.  Rememberance Day is observed on 11 November at 11 am through a minute of silence. This tradition was inaugurated by King George V in 1919.

Remembrance Day is observed to recall the end of First World War hostilities. Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month", in accordance with the armistice signed by representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morning. ("At the 11th hour" refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 am.)
The First World War officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919.Remembrance Day evolved out of Armistice Day.  The initial Armistice Day was observed at Buckingham Palace, commencing with King George V hosting a "Banquet in Honour of the President of the French Republic" during the evening hours of 10 November 1919. The first official Armistice Day was subsequently held on the grounds of Buckingham Palace the following morning. Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations adopted Remembrance Day, while the US chose Veterans Day
  • Format Hardback | 48 pages
  • Dimensions 228 x 282 x 10mm | 499.99g
  • Publication date 01 Nov 2014
  • Publisher MURDOCH BOOKS
  • Publication City/Country Millers Point, Australia
  • Language English
  • ISBN10 1743316240
  • ISBN13 9781743316245 

From Book Depository - "In one minute of silence you can imagine sprinting up the beach in Gallipoli in 1915 with the fierce fighting Diggers, but can you imagine standing beside the brave battling Turks as they defended their homeland from the cliffs above.

In the silence that follows a war long gone, you can see what the soldiers saw, you can feel what the soldiers felt. And if you try, you might be able to imagine the enemy, and see that he is not so different from you.

In One Minute's Silence, you are the story, and the story is yours - to imagine, remember and honour the brothers in arms on both sides of the conflict, heroes who shed their blood and lost their lives.

A moving and powerful reflection on the meaning of Remembrance Day." 


  • WINNER: 2015 Prime Minister's Literary Award, 
  • Children's Fiction WINNER: CBCA Book of the Year, 
  • Crichton Award for New Illustrators, 
  • 2015 HONOUR BOOK: CBCA Picture Book of the Year, 2015

My Thoughts - This is one of those books that speak to the heart.  That will bring your children to grasp and appreciate the gravity of a minutes silence and what it honours. 

What books do you recommend for Rememberance Day?

Thursday, 13 May 2021

For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

Welcome back to Blogging through the Alphabet. Today we are looking at the letter F.  My co-host Desiree is sharing F is for Farm in her Lego ABC series.

For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay (first published in 1984) is the very first book I was given to read about home education. 

This book was paradign shifting for me.  Homeschooling was the furtherest thing from my mind.  I had no idea that home education even existed until I met someone who was homeschooling in 1997 in New Zealand when enquiring which preschool to send my children to. 

Susan challenged some of the fundamental beliefs I had and the surprising thing is I was not even aware I had them until I read the book. I was introduced to Charlotte Mason in this book and really loved the idea of twaddle free books. 

The idea of real books as a basis of education really appealed and still appeals to me today, and thus began my search for a curriculum that contained 'living' books.  Twaddle Free Books  that would touch our lives for years to come, books that were not dead, books that were real and did not leave us treading water going nowhere.

Education a Word Study

In 1883 according to Websters dictionary - noun [Latin educatio.] The bringing up, as of a child, instruction; formation of manners. education comprehends all that series of instruction and discipline which is intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future stations. To give children a good education in manners, arts and science, is important; to give them a religious education is indispensable; and an immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties.  

138 years later education is defined as -

  • The act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgement and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.
  • the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills for a profession. 
  • A degree, level or kind of schooling -
  • discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning in schools or school-like environments  - Britanica
  • the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.
  • the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and directed research.- Wikipedia
  • the process of teaching or learning, especially in a school or college or the knoweldge you get from this. - Cabridge Dictionary
  • the action or process of educating or being educated.
  • the knowledge and developemnt resulting from the process of being educated. - Merriam Webster

 As home educating parents it is of paramount importance that we understand what an education actually is in order to fully embrace the educational life. As we can see from Websters dictionary it's so much deeper and fuller than simply subjects and classifications.  It encompasses all of life.

For the Children's Sake is a great read for every parent who wants to give their children the best education possible. 

Although For the Children's Sake was published nearly forty years ago the ideas within it's pages are as relevant today as they were then.  You will be introduced to one of the greatest education giants of history Charlotte Mason. Susan expounds upon her ideals and shows you the parent what a pivotal role you play with every choice you make along your journey.

It's the type of book one reads to enlarge upon oneself.  It feeds your soul and stretches you to grow in ways you could not even begin to fathom. It encourages and expands the mind and soul. It is an inspirational call to give ourselves and our children the best education possible and extend learning into every single facet of life possible.

Buy the book here:

 What books would you place on your must read pile as a homeschooling parent?



Find the other ABC posts in this series here:

  1. A is for Art Lessons at Home
  2. B is for Books Where do You Purchase Yours? 
  3. Charlotte Mason a Round Up of Posts 
  4. Delight Directed Education
  5. Encouragement for Weary Homeschooling Mothers
  6. For the Children's Sake 

Featured from Week 4 all things 'E'

 This week  over at Our Homeschool Notebook the topic is F is for Farm.  

Please link up your posts starting with the letter F for this weeks ABC Blogging. This is a Blog Hop!

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Thursday, 15 April 2021

B is for Books Where do You Purchase Yours?

Welcome to week two of ABC Blogging.  My co-host Desiree is sharing B is for Brickheadz and I will be sharing ideas on how to source books for your Homeschool.

Books have been an intrigal part of my life for nearly three decades and I'm always on the look out for a good bargain.  Over the years I've gathered a few go to places to purchase books.


For New Books 

  • Book Depository - I like shopping here because the price you see is inclusive of postage.  This simplifies my book purchases.
  • Amazon - I tend to only buy Kindle books via here.
  • Sonlight - I'm a huge fan and love that they stock beautiful and twaddle free literature.

Second-hand Books

  • AbeBooks - I find this portal good for comparing the cost of second hand books
  • eBay - I have purchased books here on the odd occasion when it was the only place I could find it.
  • Facebook - I joined a specific Homeschool Book Sale page (In Australia look for Homeschool Buy, Sell, Swap - Australia


When Out and About

  • Garage Sales
  • Community Sales
  • Second Hand Book Shops
  • Library Sale Tables
  • Opportunity Shops

Books Suggestions 


I asked my My homeschooling friends purchase their books here ...

 Where do you buy YOUR homeschooling Books from ?

I would love to hear what YOU have used to teach art in your homeschool.


Find the other posts here:

  1. A is for Art Lessons at Home
  2. B is for Books Where do You Purchase Yours?


Link up your posts starting with the letter B for this weeks ABC Blogging. This is a Blog Hop!


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Saturday, 3 April 2021

Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary (Book 13/52)

 On Tuesday I decided it was time to resurrect my weekly book recommendation - Tuesday's Treasures and shared about books by the author Beverley Cleary.  She was a Newberry Medal Winner, a Teachers Top 100 Book author for children and won the ALA Notable Children's book award. She wrote timeless, beautiful books.  For this weeks edition of 52 Books in 52 Weeks and in honour of her contribution to literature I decided to read the gorgeous hard cover edition of Dear Mr. Henshaw.

 Dear Mr. Henshaw

  • Format Paperback | 133 pages 
  • Dimensions 133 x 190 x 10.16mm | 91g 
  • Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Inc I
  • Language English 
  • Author Beverly Cleary
  • Illustrator Paul O. Zelinsky
  • ISBN10 0380709589 
  • ISBN13 9780380709588

From Book Depository - Beverly Cleary's timeless Newbery Medal-winning book explores difficult topics like divorce, insecurity, and bullying through the thoughts and emotions of a sixth-grade boy as he writes to his favorite author, Boyd Henshaw.

After his parents separate, Leigh Botts moves to a new town with his mother. Struggling to make friends and deal with his anger toward his absent father, Leigh loses himself in a class assignment in which he must write to his favorite author. When Mr. Henshaw responds, the two form an unexpected friendship that will change Leigh's life forever.

From the beloved author of the Henry Huggins, Ramona Quimby, and Ralph S. Mouse series comes an epistolary novel about how to navigate and heal from life's growing pains.

My Thoughts -  I was rather surprised by this little gem. Dear Mr. Henshaw is written entirley from the perspective of Leigh through letters (epistolary) to Mr. Henshaw.  

The books opens up with a letter when he is in second grade and writes his first letter to Mr. Henshaw. It progresses to Leigh's sixth grade year just after his parents seperate. Through his letters to Mr. Henshaw we learn about his concerns and inner conflicts. We walk alongside him as he struggles with being the new kid in school, his changing relationship with his father and a lunch box thief. 

The character development is realistic as Leigh struggles with divorce child blues, loneliness and flashes of inspirational wisdom on dealing with life in a more mature way (not catching the thief).  He learns that pursuing a dream is not always easy however pursuing it does have unexpected outcomes some times (when he enters a writing competition... that will be a spoiler you will need to read the book to find out what happened.)

I really enjoyed reading this story and think that young adults and tweens could benefit and grow in empathy towards others through reading Dear Mr. Henshaw. 

My Completed Reading list for 2021

  1. The Reading Life by C.S. Lewis
  2. Joseph Dreamer of Dreams by E. Traylor
  3. The Good Master by Kate Seredy
  4. The Girl from the Train by Irma Joubert 
  5. False Impression by Jeffrey Archer
  6. To Ride Pegasus by Anne McCaffrey
  7. Pegasus in Space by Anne McCaffrey
  8. The Rowan by Anne McCaffrey
  9. Damia by Anne McCaffrey
  10. Damia's Children by Anne McCaffrey
  11. Lyon's Pride & The Tower and the Hive  by Anne McCaffrey
  12. Siezure by Robin Cook 
  13. Dear Mr. Henshaw by Benerly Cleary

 What books do you recommend for tweens that are deeper and throughtful books?

Linking with Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks BW13

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Beverly Cleary her first book - Henry Huggins

I was deeply sadened to hear about the passing of beloved children's book author Beverley Cleary this past weekend.  I first encountered her writing when reading out loud to my children when we first started Sonlight* and were reading Henry Huggins together which is a part of their  Intro to World History Year 1.

Henry Huggins by Beverly Cleary

  • Format Paperback | 155 pages 
  • Dimensions 127 x 190 x 15.24mm | 113g 
  • Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Inc
  • Language English Edition Statement 50th ed. 
  • ISBN10 0380709120 
  • ISBN13 9780380709120

 From Book Depository - "Just as Henry Huggins is complaining that nothing exciting ever happens, a friendly dog sits down beside him and looks pleadingly at his ice-cream cone. From that moment on, the two are inseparable. But when Ribsy's original owner appears, trying to reclaim his dog, Henry's faced with the possibility of losing his new best friend. Has Klickitat Street seen the last of rambunctious Ribsy?"

My Thoughts - From the first page we were hooked.  We loved every moment of being introduced to Henry and Ribsy.  We laughed at his antics we learned from his love of life and together they introduced us to the joys of homeschooling.


Henry and Ribsy by Beverly Cleary

  • Format Paperback | 208 pages 
  • Dimensions 127 x 188 x 15mm | 136g 
  • Publisher HarperCollins Publishers Inc 
  • anguage English Edition 
  • ISBN10 0380709171 
  • ISBN13 9780380709175

 From Book Depository - "In this humorous and heartfelt novel from Newbery Medal-winning author Beverly Cleary, the bond between a boy and his dog proves strong, as Henry vows to stick up for Ribsy...even if he is a trouble-maker!

From the first moment Henry found Ribsy, the curious mutt was poking his nose into things he shouldn't be. Whether terrorizing the garbage man, chasing cats, or gobbling Ramona Quimby's ice-cream cone, Henry's four-legged pal has walked himself into one problem too many. So when Henry asks his dad if he can go along on the big fishing trip, Mr. Huggins agrees, but on one condition: Ribsy must stay out of mischief for two whole months. Henry is confident in his loyal dog...until Ribsy goes overboard with his appetite for chaos...literally!"

My Thoughts This book had us laughing together and bonding as a family.  I loved being snuggled together with my children reading out loud about Ribsy's antics.  I couldn't wait to be reaquainted with the characters for the second round with Nathaniel.   

Here are a few other titles we enjoyed together by Beverley Cleary

About the Author

Beverly Cleary died at age 104 on Sunday 25 March 2021. She shared her Oregon childhood memories through her colourful characters like Ramona and Beezus Quimby and Henry Huggins.

She was born in 1916. She served as a children's librarian. Her first book Henry Huggins was published in 1950 and was the first in a series of fictional chapter books about Henry , his dog Ribsy, his neighborhood friend Beezus and her little sister Ramona.  She based the characters on people living ordinary lives and her own childhood experiences and the neighborhood growing up. 

She has been awarded multiple awards for her writing, there is a statue of Ramona Quimby in Grant Park and the Beverly Cleary School.

She was named a Living Legened in 2000 by the Library of Congress.

"I believe in that 'missionary spirit' among children's librarians. Kids deserve books of literary quality, and librarians are so important in encouraging them to read and selecting books that are appropriate." Beverly Cleary

American writer Beverly Cleary circa 1955.(  Supplied: Wikimedia commons)
American writer Beverly Cleary circa 1955.

Supplied: Wikimedia common

 You can read more about her here

 I'm so grateful for her books on my shelf.  These are books I have recommended time and again to any student or paretn who has spent time in my library looking for books.


Tuesday, 26 January 2021

The Girl from the Train by Irma Joubert (4/52 Books in 52 Weeks)

It's week four of 52 Books in 52 Weeks. This weeks reading adventure took me back to the land of my birth South Africa although the story begins in Europe.  I spent a delightful few days immersed in World War II in Germany, Poland and South Africa reading The Girl From the Train (not to be confused with the popular mainstream novel The Girl on the Train)

The Girl From the Train

  • Format Paperback | 384 pages 
  • Dimensions 138 x 214 x 22mm | 362g 
  • Publisher Thomas Nelson Publishers 
  • Language English 
  • ISBN10: 0529102374 
  • ISBN13: 9780529102379 
  • Available as a paperback and audio book.

The Girl From the Train was originally published in Afrikaans under the title Tussen Stasies (I really wish they had kept the direct translation for the title - Between Stations.) 

Irma takes us on a journey of discovery, illustrating the effects of the war in the lives of children. The story is a beutiful illustration of how unconditional love can impact and redeem the sadest of experiences and change lives for the better.

The story opens near the end of World War II in southern Poland in April 1944 with a family desperate to save their children from the horrors of Aushwitz.  We meet Gretl Schmidt on a train bound for Aushwitz..., and Jakob Kowalski who is fighting witht the Polish resistance and is planting a bomb on the tracks.

Gretl escapes the train and by a series of events meets Jakob who takes her to his family farm to be cared for and thius begins the journey of two lives that become entertwined, spanning 15 years and two continents.  

Gretl is adopted by a family in South Africa where she lives with her secrets and grows up with a family who loves her deeply as thought she were born into their arms.  

Jakob stays in Poland.  Through the years they each are followed by the echo of the other clinging to the momories until due to circumstances the improbable happens. 

From Book Depositiory: "Six-year-old Gretl Schmidt is on a train bound for Aushwitz. Jakob Kowalski is planting a bomb on the tracks.

As World War II draws to a close, Jakob fights with the Polish resistance against the crushing forces of Germany and Russia. They intend to destroy a German troop transport, but Gretl's unscheduled train reaches the bomb first.

Gretl is the only survivor. Though spared from the concentration camp, the orphaned German Jew finds herself lost in a country hostile to her people. When Jakob discovers her, guilt and fatherly compassion prompt him to take her in. For three years, the young man and little girl form a bond over the secrets they must hide from his Catholic family.

But she can't stay with him forever. Jakob sends Gretl to South Africa, where German war orphans are promised bright futures with adoptive Protestant families-so long as Gretl's Jewish roots, Catholic education, and connections to communist Poland are never discovered.

Separated by continents, politics, religion, language, and years, Jakob and Gretl will likely never see each other again. But the events they have both survived and their belief that the human spirit can triumph over the ravages of war have formed a bond of love that no circumstances can overcome. "

 The Author - Irma Jouber

  •  International bestselling author
  • She was a history teacher for 35 years before she began her writing career.
  • Writes in her native language of Afrikaans.
  • The Girl from the Train is her first novel to be translated into english.
  • She won the 2010 ATKV Prize for Romance Novels.
  • Connect with her on Facebook here.

I discovered that  The Girl From the Train is book two in the first trilogy from this author.  I am keen to read the other two books. It seems I may need to brush up on my Afrikaans reading in order to read them.

Books by this author

  • 1. Veilige hawe
  • 2. Tuiskoms (a collection of short stories)
  • 3. Verbode Drif (a historical novel, spanning 1903–1910)

First trilogy:

  • 4. Ver wink die Suiderkruis (set in 1932–1933)
  • 5. Tussen stasies (The Girl From the Train )(spanning World War II to 1958)
  • 6. Tolbos (set in 1976–1989)

Second trilogy:

  • 7. Anderkant Pontenilo (historical novel spanning 1938 - 1945)
  • 8. Pérsomi, kind van die brakrant  (Child of the River) (1938–1968)
  • 9. Kronkelpad (The Crooked Path) (1938–1983)

Third trilogy (in progress):

  • 10. Immer wes (a historical novel spanning 1905–1947)
  • 11. Mentje - Kind van die Pas-Opkamp (a historical novel)

Who are some of your favourite historical authors?

Thursday, 7 January 2021

The Reading Life by C.S. Lewis (1/52 Books in 52 Weeks)

Welcome to week one of 52 Books in 52 Weeks. To launch my year of reading I chose The Reading Life by C.S. Lewis. I spent many years avoiding CS Lewis books and a few years back as a family we listened to and read aloud the Narnia series by Mr Lewis and really enjoyed his writing.  I received this book for Christmas and the title really called to me when deciding which book to commence the challenge with and I am so pleased that I did read it.

 No Book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally (and often far more) worth reading at the age of fifty. ... The only imaginative works we ought to grow out of are those which it would have been better not to have read at all - C.S. Lewis The Reading Life.

The Reading Life


  • Format Paperback  
  • 192 pages 
  • Dimensions 129 x 198 x 15mm | 170g 
  • Publication date 15 Oct 2020 
  • Publisher HarperCollins Publishers 
  • Imprint William Collins 
  • Publication City/Country London, United Kingdom 
  • Language English 
  • ISBN10 0008307121 
  • ISBN13 9780008307127 

Every age has its own outlook. It is specially good at seeing certian truths and specially liable to make certain mistakes. We all, therefore, need the books that will correct the characteristic mistakes of our own period. And that means the old books.  - C.S. Lewis The Reading Life.

Available to purchase

From Book Depository

  •  "The revered teacher and bestselling author reflects on the power, importance, and joy of a life dedicated to reading books in this delightful collection drawn from his wide body of writings."
  • "Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, The Reading Life provides guidance and reflections on the love and enjoyment of books. Engaging and enlightening, this well-rounded collection includes Lewis' reflections on science fiction, why children's literature is for readers of all ages, and why we should read two old books for every new one."

 The book is divided into two parts: On the Art and Joy of Reading (15 chapters) and Short Readings on Reading (37 chapters). The appendix contains Journal Exercises for Reflecting on Your Reading Life.

[A child] does not despise real woods because he has read of enchanted woods: the reading makes all reall woods a little enchanted - C.S. Lewis The Reading Life.

The Author

The greatest cause of verbicide is the fact that most people are obviously far more anxious to express their approval and disapproval of things than to describe them. - C.S. Lewis The Reading Life.

I'm so pleased I chose this book to commence my year of reading. It is a beautifully compiled book with thought provoking moments.  I loved the quotes which are enlarged throughout the book.  

I had two favourite chapters: Why Children's Stories are not Just for Children and How to Murder Words.  

I really enjoyed what C.S. Lewis had to say about Tolkien in  The Achievements of J.R.R. Tolkien.

This is a fabulous book and deserves a spot on any bookshelf.

What are you reading?

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Richard Scarry's What Do People Do all Day? {5 Days of Picture Books}

With Covid-19 stay home policies enacted globaly many young families have found themselves indoors. This in turn has inspired me to share some of my favourite picture books with you.  Please take heart, Quarantine-schooling is not the norm for homeschooling families either.

Today I would like to introduce Richard Scarry to you.  His books are full of hidden treasures and your children will spend hours combing through his gorgeous books.

What Do People Do All Day ?

  • For ages 0-5
  • Format Paperback | 64 pages
  • Dimensions 220 x 280 x 5mm | 280g
  • Publisher HarperCollins Publishers
  • Language English
  • Illustrations note chiefly col. Illustrations
  • ISBN10 0007353693
  • ISBN13 9780007353699
This book was first published over 50 years ago and is still loved by children all over the world.  It's currently got a best sellers rank of 729! Every single page is full of things to discover.

From Book Depository: "Everyone is busy in Busytown - from train drivers to doctors, from mothers to sailors, in police stations and on fire engines. Follow lots of busy people working through their busy days! Captain Salty and his crew are getting ready to go on a voyage; Doctor Lion is busy at the hospital; Sergeant Murphy is working hard to keep things safe and peaceful; and engineers are building new roads. Packed full of activity and funny details to discover, this celebration of Busytown and its inhabitants will keep curious minds occupied for hours on end!"

Here are a couple of other titles by Richard Scarry we have enjoyed over the years:
  • Richard Scarry's Please and Thank You Book - The animal residents of Busytown learn useful lessons about manners, thoughtfulness, and caring
  • Richard Scarry's Bedtime Stories - Five funny tales featuring Lowly Worm, Huckle Cat,
    Bananas Gorilla, and the rest of Scarry's memorable menagerie are collected in
    a sleepytime anthology.
  • The Best Little Word Book Ever!  - Huckle Cat, Lowly Worm, and their Busytown friends star in "Richard Scarry's Best Little Word Book Ever!" Illustrated in Scarry's signature style, it offers over two hundred names for objects both familiar and new, grouped by subject, theme, and setting. This book is perfect for reinforcing a child's knowledge of the world and further expanding his or her universe.
  • Good Night, Little Bear  - First a story, and then a kiss from Mother Bear, and Father Bear carries Little Bear to bed. And that's when the fun begins...
  • Richard Scarry's Cars And Trucks  - Tweet! goes the policeman's whistle. All the trucks stop. The beloved Richard Scarry gives readers an exciting array of vehicles in this classic Little Golden Book from 1959.
  • Richard Scarry's Postman Pig And His Busy Neighbors  - Join Richard Scarry's beloved Postman Pig for a day of discovery and adventure! With deliveries to the police station, the doctor's office, the library, and many more, young readers will see how those in their communities go about the day.
  • Richard Scarry's The Country Mouse and the City Mouse  - Featuring The Country Mouse and the City Mouse, The Fox and the Crow, and The Dog and His Bone. 
Do you have any fabulous children's authors of picture books to recommend?


Monday, 16 April 2018

Exploring Creation with Human anatomy and Physiology {Review}

Last month was certainly one of the very best happy post days in our homeschool. Apologia blessed us with the complete set of Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology. I was so overwhelmed with their generosity!

What we received

Human Anatomy and Physiology Textbook
Begining with a short history of medicine and following into human anatomy from a Christian perspective.
  • Author by Jeannie Fulbright and Brooke Ryan, M.D.
  • Hardcover
  • ISBN 978-1-935495-14-7
  • Pages 265
  • The book is divded into 14 weeks of lessons:
    1. Introduction to Anatamy and Physiology. Cells, DNA,
    2. The Skeletal System (bones, ligaments, joints)
    3. Muscular System (tendons, musckles, cells, muscle types)
    4. Digestive and Renal Systems
    5. Health and Nutrition (nutrients, water, carbs, proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals)
    6. Respiratory System (nose, lungs, asthma, diaphragm)
    7. Life in the Blood (veins, arteries, plasma, red and white cells, platelets)
    8. Cardiovascular System
    9. Nervous and Endochrine Systems
    10. Nervous system Extended
    11. Senses (smell, taste, sight,)
    12. The Integumentary System
    13. Lymphatic and Immune Systems
    14. Growth and Development
  • Each chapter has a practical hands on experiment to reinforce learning.
  • These books are a part of Apologia's Young Explorer's Series and uses the Immersion Approach to learning. Jeannie Fulbright the author explains that by examining one topic fully children go deeper so that they can really know, understand learn more fully, this in turn builds their confidence as well as giving them the tools to actually know science via the terminology and processes.

Human Anatomy Notebooking Journal 

  • Softcover spiral bound journal 
  • Contains 202 pages and an appendix of 66 pages.
  • Consumable and intended for a single student use in grades 3/4th level and up.
  • ISBN 978-1-935495-15-4

Human Anatomy Junior Notebooking Journal 
  • This journal is for beginning writers.  It is divided into 14 lessons.
  • Softcover spiral bound journal
  • It contains 230 pages
  • appendix of 66 pages.  The appendix contains all the mini book cut outs and templates to complete the assignments.
  • Consumable and intended for a single student use.  
  • This journal is similar to the and intended for use by younger students in years K to 2/3 grade level.
  • ISBN 978-1-935495-47-5 

Differences Between the Journals
  • The juniour journal contains colouring in pages with the scriptures on them, the older journal does not have these pages 
  • Juniour Journal has less pages for notes.
  • Juniour Journal contains lines with height spaces to make writing easier.  The lines are also wider apart.
  • Older Journal uses crossword puzzles for the vocabulary exercise where as the younger journal uses matchbook mini books.

Human Anatomy and Physiology MP3 Audio CD 
  • The CD contains the complete audio recording of Exploring Creation Human Anatomy and Physiology Textbook read by the author Jeannie Fulbright.  
  • The CD is not in standard format.  The audio files are in MP3 and you will need an MP3 compatable player or computer to listen to it.  You can download a sample on the Apologia website.  
About Jeannie Fulbright 
Jeannie Fulbright is a mother of four and the author of Apologia’s Young Explorer Series. She is a regular speaker at numerous conventions, conferences, women’s retreats, and other events on all topics related to parenting, marriage and family, homeschooling and science. After her homeschool journey began, Jeannie discerned an immense need for Creation-based, scientifically sound, engaging, and easy-to-use science curricula. And so the Young Explorer Series was born.
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest

  How we used it
One of the many curriculumns I've had my eye on over the years is Apologia.  I really love the idea of teaching science from a Christian world view. Apologia's mission is "To publish homeschooling curricumlum and resources and host online classes to help families learn, live and defend the Christian faith."  I was thrilled to have the opportunity to look over and begin using their Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology.

At times I've been anxious about teaching the sciences as some of the fields are fairly complex.  One of the most inspirational quotes that has given me the confidence to continue home educating is the following statement I read by Dr. Jay L. Wile "Can I teach high school science?  NO As your student gets older, your role changes from teacher to fellow learner."  One of the things I've appreciated about using this series is the conversational tone that the author uses.  She speaks to the person reading the book and as such both Nathaniel and I have learned some interresting things about the human body.  Human biology has long held my interest and I've always enjoyed reading more about it and it's amazing complexity.

Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology is the sixth book in the Young Explorers Series.  Your journey begins with a short historical introduction to anatomy and physiology.  From here you move onto the study of the single cell which is the fundamental building block of the human body.  It then progressively teaches through the specific bodily systems such as the skeletal system, muscular, digestive, nervous, respiratory systems et cetera. Integrated into the learning is caring for these systems via life style, nutrition and finally all this is reinforced with hands on activities and notebook assignments.

The textbook is divided into 14 lessons.  Each of the lessons have been designed to be done over two weeks therefore covering 28 weeks of school.  IF you purchase the Notebooking Journal the weekly reading and suggested notebook assignments have been prescheduled out for you. In the sample above for Lesson one you can see four days worth of science.  The readings have been scheduled with narration breaks.  Narration is a Charlotte Mason method to encourage the student to pay attention, think, process and retain the knowledge they are learning. The narration breaks are clearly noted in the textbook.

Interspersed throughout the reading in the textbook are beautiful colour illustrations clearly illustrating what is being taught. Applicable vocabulary words are printed in bold type face.  The Try This! segments are hands on activities helping to reinforce learning.

Experiments to enhance understanding (and some are edible making them a true hit around here especially as they are created using highly desirable items 😀) are interspersed throughout the book.  In the introduction section of the textbook is an itemised list of what is needed for each of the experiments and Try This! sections. The items are listed by lesson and most of the items used are common household items we had on hand.

The Notebooking Journal and Junior Notebooking Journals are very similar and contain
  • Suggested schedule
  • Colouring pages
  • Notebook pages to record interesting facts 
  • Review Questions
  • Assignments
  • Scripture Copywork (print and cursive samples to copy) 
  • Vocabulary Crosswords
  • Project Pages
  • Miniature Books
  • More to Explore (extra experiments, biblical insights, and book suggestions)
  • Field Trip Sheets
  • Final Review
  • Appendix - contains all the full colour mini books, and personal person resources needed to complete the journal.

The journals are designed to enhance learning and as such you are encouraged to choose which activities to do and which ones to leave so that learning does not become a chore.

The audio CD was a surprising addition we enjoyed. It is beautifully presented and Jeannie reads clearly making listening a pleasure.  We used the AEM MP3 player provided.  This made selecting the correct track for listening super easy as there are over 400 files on the disk.

It looks like a mini iPod on your screen and works in the same manner.  We really ejoyed the music which enhanced our listening pleasure. For example there was music in the transition between history of Anatomy and Ancient Egyptians.  The music had an Egyptian flare.

 The CD contains the complete audio recording of the course Exploring Creation with Human anatomy, it is not always verbatim as on occasion some of the words or sentences have been altered slightly to make it easier to listen to.  The CD is a great compliment to the book and especially helpful if you are not familiar with the pronounciation of the terminolgy in human anatomy.

Apologia has provided a section called Book Extra's which is located on their website.

You will need to create your account and log in. Your homepage will display the books your have registered.  Each textbook comes with a special code word that you use to add to your course list.  Once added you click on the course title which opens a page full of links which Apologia have curated to enhance each of the lessons within the book. Each link has a short discription of what you will find. For example here is a video they shared about skull bones. I really like these extra's as all the work has been done for me, and I know that the information is correct and I do not need to pre-check any of it.

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Thursday, 18 May 2017

The Mysterious Benedict Society Collection {Tuesday's Treasures}

One of the hardest things to do is find books for boys that are not filled with potty humour!  I was very pleased when I heard about The Mysterious Benedict Society on a Charlotte Mason Facebook Australia Group and decided to see if our local library had it.  Much to our delight they had all four books.  When they first arrived Nathaniel looked at the thick books and promptly assigned me the task of reading the books out loud to him.
Filled with page-turning action and mind-bending brain teasers, these wildly inventive journeys are sure to delight. - Book Depository
How do I KNOW these are good books?
At this stage Nathaniel was only attempting to read 200 page books (with large type) and these 400 page books containing much smaller print just overwhelmed him.  He finished one of his own books and I suggested he attempt book number two in the series and after much encouragement took the book to bed with him.  It was only a couple of days and each time we came to say lights out he would beg for five more minutes in order to finish one more page!  I was shocked at how enthusiastic my son was to read these books.  In the space of time it's taken me to read book one out loud to him he has completed book 2 and book 3 in the series (Nearly 900 pages in less than a month). We are now patiently waiting for book 4 to arrive from the library. 

The Mysterious Benedict Society Collection

  • Format: Paper back
  • Number of Pages:1872 
  • Publisher:  Little, Brown & Company
  • Publication Date: 
  • ISBN 10: 0316368873
  • ISBN 13: 9780316368872
  • Author  Trenton Lee Stewart
  • Illustrator
What is it all about?

"Are you a gifted child looking for special opportunities?"When this peculiar ad appears in the newspaper, dozens of children enroll to take a series of mysterious, mind-bending tests. (And you, dear reader, can test your wits right alongside them.) But in the end just four very special children will succeed. Their challenge: to go on a secret mission that only the most intelligent and resourceful children could complete. To accomplish it they will have to go undercover at the Learning Institute for the Very Enlightened, where the only rule is that there are no rules.As our heroes face physical and mental trials beyond their wildest imaginations, they have no choice but to turn to each other for support. But with their newfound friendship at stake, will they be able to pass the most important test of all?Welcome to the Mysterious Benedict Society.
We are still reading book one out loud and both of us are loving every page.  In book one we are introduced to the five central characters of:  Mr. Nicholas Benedict, George "Sticky" Washington, Kate Wetherall, Reynard "Reynie" Muldoon and Constance Contraire.  Each day is a journey to discover the secret on Nomansan Island.  The children are in a race against time to find the island's secret and save the world.  Each of the four posses a special talent and each day they are learning to trust each other and discover things about themselves they didn't' know.  The names are all very clever and full of hints to help you solve the puzzle of the Island.

(Watch a trailer of the movie on YouTube) and explore the Mysterious Benedict Society on the web.

There are four books in the series:
  1. The Mysterious Benedict Society
  2. The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey
  3. The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma
  4. The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict
Nathaniel has really enjoyed this series so much he is saving his pocket money to purchase the boxed set for himself!

What are some of your favourite books for boys?
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**All the links to Book Depository on this page are my Affiliate Link. If you click on these links and make a purchase, I may receive a commission. This does not cost you any more, and it helps cover costs associated with purchasing books for our homeschool. I am very picky about the products I recommend and the companies I support. I would never recommend a product I would not use myself.**